chapter 19- those early pregnancy symptoms

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⚠️small mentions of sickness for anyone with emataphobia and mentions of eating disorders⚠️
Abit of a deep chapter this one but it's one of my faves so far.

With dianne now 5 and a half weeks pregnant, things were beginning to get very different.
In her pregnancy and in her relationship with joe.
Joe hadn't been sleeping in the same room as her since he walked away from their once very cute breakfast date 4 days before.
After many texts and worried phone calls, after around half an hour of pacing around the cafe, joe eventually picked up the phone to a very worried dianne on the other end of the line. As he had gone without any explanation, she was panicked, worried these feelings he had were more serious than she thought, thinking that him walking away from their date was him walking away from their relationship all together but he assured her it wasnt that. After alot of persuading, he had told dianne to go home and promised her he would come home later which thankfully for diannes anxiety, he did.
Reluctantly, they sat together and he opened up about how he was feeling. She knew he had been bottling alot up but she hadn't realised it was as much as he had described to be feeling.

Even though their conversation had been very open and honest, a conversation where for once in quite a long time, dianne had held him instead of him holding her, things since then had been distant.
They hadn't spoken much since, and the most of their time was spent apart and that included him sleeping in the spare room. It was never a decision they made together, it just happened, which ultimately was bringing them even further apart from eachother.

But just like every morning since, on this one dianne made her way to the spare room to see joe for one of their minimal conversations of the day. Some mornings they had talked more than others, they had layed and cuddled up together on one of the days but today, dianne knew something would be different. She just had a very bad feeling, today wasn't going to be the day they would show much improvement.

Nervously knocking on the door, she opened it a little peering in, seeing him already awake, almost as if he was awaiting her arrival.

She whispred quietly and he was still sat in darkness. Wondering over she sat on the bed, crossing her legs under herself.

"Hey, are you ok?"
He asked her, sitting up to hug her. The feeling in it those was absent. It didn't feel like he wanted to show affection at all.

"Yeah, I just you know...came to see you as always"
She smiled softly.

"Thank you"
He placed his hand on her knee, rubbing his thumb over her skin. Even though he knew he wasn't showing it, he was grateful she was coming to check on him every so often. Even though he was feeling sad, he was beginning to want to be with her more now. If only he knew that would be ruined by the next thing she would say...

"And I need to tell you that I was sick about two hours ago"
She told him which made him jolt up quickly.

"You were sick? Why didn't you wake me? Are you alright?"
He asked taking her hand.

"I'm fine. I didn't need you, I could handle it on my own"
She smiled feeling as if her independence was a good thing. The fact that she could look after herself meant she could give joe more time to feel more himself.

"But your ill dot and your pregnant. Maybe I should make you some dry toast or something to see if you can keep it down because if you cant, that might mean somethings wrong with the baby"
He panicked.

"No joe. I'm ok. I'm not ill and pregnant. I'm ill because I'm pregnant. It's a thing in pregnancy you know, this is my first bout of morning sickness. It's actually quite healthy to be sick in the first trimester"
She tried to explain.
For her this was exciting. As much as she hated being ill, being sick for the first time since finding out she was pregnant, for her really did show she was pregnant. She had experienced the biggest, most known symptom of pregnancy, morning sickness and she was happy to know that her baby was healthy, because if it wasnt, then she might not of been sick at all.
For joe however he was worried.

Lessons in love Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora