chapter 14- its been 3 weeks

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Ok so this chapter is what I hinted at in chapter 10. Some of this chapter is a flashback to the night joe and dianne met again. I talked briefly in chapter 10 about a conversation they had but never revealed what it was about. well this is THAT conversation. Hopefully by the end you'll figure out what's going to happen in the next chapter.
It's going to get exciting.

3 days later

"Well, the agreement of sleeping in different beds didn't last long"
Joe laughed as dianne came and layed down next to him, resting her head on his shoulder. Pulling the duvet up to cover both of them, she took his hand in hers for what felt like the first time in years. This unexpected display of affection had come quite naturally but of course the decision to move joe out the spare room and back into their room, was a conversation. After all it was rule number three. Joe was to sleep in the spare room until they were both ready to stay in the same room again. They always thought it would be longer than this but the past few days had been good. Very successful even. And this was an early development, one of the first baby steps. It wasn't 'the' first though. Earlier that day they had their first kiss since december, so things were going well which was why they felt ready to take this next step.

"It was a stupid rule. I didn't really like the number 3 either"
She shrugged singing down, bringing her arms around joe. They were so close. And it felt normal. This was what they always just to be like.

"As long as it dont leads to breaking rule number 4, I don't mind"
She added.

Rule number 4- no sex (unless talked through and seriously considered first)

"Yeah, we know what happened last time we broke rule number 4"
He laughed a little awkwardly. It was still a conversation they had avoided.

"It didn't end well..."
She said. If only she knew what that later meant.

'It didn't end well'

"Well I know we had that massive argument the morning after but I suppose that night it was..."

"Owww joe! That hurt"
Her scream could of literally cut through any atmosphere. She was in pain. It wasn't hard to see, or hear and it seemed to of appeared quiet suddenly. Not wanting to hurt her and also not wanting her to get angry, joe quickly jumped up, moving away, somehow managing to untangle his arms from hers.

"Are you ok? What did I do? I didn't mean to"
He was worried. He didn't want to come across that he had done something on purpose and they she got angry about it. This was an accident. He hadn't even realised he had touched her in a way that would hurt.

"Its fine, it was nothing. Dont worry"
She obviously wasnt fine. She was holding her side, just above her ribs.

"No, what's wrong? I didn't mean to hurt you or anything, I didn't even realise I...."

"You just leant into me abit to hard I think, that's all. Dont worry, I'm ok. My chest just feels....tight"
She told him.

"Oh....well I'm sorry anyway, can I get you something to help or....?"

"No im fine. Thank you though, just maybe lay here instead if you want to lean on me"
She put him lay on her lower stomach just below where she had felt that sharp pain, but that didn't help.

"Actually, maybe a bit lower"
She moved so he now rested on her thigh. The pressure againts her stomach was too much, it was like someone had placed a brick there, but it also made her feel sick, tense even. A tight feeling, like in her chest.

"Are you sure you're ok? Come here, rest on me, I dont want to hurt you"
He moved bringing her closer.

"I'm fine, Its probably just because I've eaten and you're putting your head on me. It's fine, really joe. Stop apologising"
She rested her head back onto him.

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