chapter 32-

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Please meet me at the pink beachhut on the beach in half an hour. Ive got something for you xxx

And so joe stood at the pink beach hut waiting for her but as standard she was late. She had told him that morning when she woke up that she was going on a little solo shopping trip but unknown to him that was a little lie. She hadn't gone shopping and infact had gone to another scan. Her gender reveal scan.
She had decide not to tell him, or let him come along with him, so that she could surprise him like this. Now it was all playing out. The surprise she had been planning in her hesd for the past week was about to happen and so a little later than she had told him, she walked along the seafront towards him and the pink beachhut with a small white box in a hand.

"Where are all your shopping bags? Did you buy anything?"
That was his first question as he wrapped her up in his arms, placing a soft kiss on her cheek.

"No...but let me explain. Shall we go and sit down?"
She took his hand, going into the pebbles, where he instantly got protective seeing his now 19 week pregnant girlfriend walk on such an uneven surface, but they eventually found a quiet spot and sat uncomfortably on the stones. But that didn't matter. All that mattered was eachother.

"I may or may not of lied to you a little bit"
She began making joe wonder. Where had she really been? She definitely hadn't been shopping.

"Ok...where have you been?"
He asked her nervously.

"I've had a scan"
He knew she was due her next one at around 20 weeks and she was 19 weeks now, but she hadn't said anything about it being booked, but obviously she had already had it. It seemed sometimes she liked to have moments like this alone. Having an ultrasound was quite an intimate thing and so sometimes she liked to be on her own depending on how she felt. He thought it let more of a balance into their relationship which was one of the qualities they had said was important in any relationship. Balance. Even though they had now got to a stage where they had crossed their most important barriers and had their sex life back, it was still important that they spent some time apart to keep balance in their relationship. For dianne, this was one of those things.

"And they've told me the gender"
This changed everything. This was along with the first scan, probably the most important.

"So you know?"
He asked her, a smile growing on his face as she nodded.
To know the gender of their baby would be a huge thing. They could finally start planning more in depth and talk about names and buy more clothes and think about what bedroom they would like for them. It was a big moment.

"I've got this cake"
In the white box she held in her hands, was a singular cupcake. It was a simple vanilla sponge with some white icing piped onto the top.

"And inside theres icing and it will be pink for a girl and blue for a boy, so when you bite into it, you'll find out if they are a boy or a girl"
She said smiling as she already knew. She knew joe would be so happy. They both would be happy no matter who they child was or turned out to be, as long as they were happy and healthy, that's all the wanted but dianne knew joe would just be the best dad and to watch him with her child would just be amazing.

"Do you want to see the pictures first?"
She asked him, pulling the long strip of pictures from her bag, showing him the picture which was so much more crisp and pristine than last time. Their baby was developing so well. They were exactly where they needed to be for this stage. Still very small, but they were growing and was for sure going to be the tiniest little raspberry when they arrive in september. Their due date was just a week after Joe's birthday, the 16th september and they couldn't wait. They didn't realistically have long to go. Just over half way, or less.....
It felt like she took that test so long ago. The test that changed her life so much. Soon they would have this whole human to care for, for the rest of their lives that they could love. And they had to prepare for this arrival. They would need to buy clothes, sort out a room, organise everything before they arrived.

Lessons in love Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon