chapter 7- vivid memories

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Ok, so I hope you're all enjoying this book so far. This chapter is just abit of a filler before I do a 2 week time skip in the next chapter (which is where things get interesting)
As always parts in italics are in flashbacks.

9th December 2018

That sent shivers down her spine.

His arm dropped over her middle, and he pulled her closer before his lips softly pressed againts her bare shoulder, kissing it lightly. She fell into his hold, snuggling down into the firm grip that she felt so safe in.
She was in love. And it was there in that moment that she realised.

They had only been officially together a few weeks, although innocent flirting had gone on for much longer. It was all a secret though, a secret they struggled to keep as more and more rumours flooded in each day. Paparazzi pictures coming in each day of her leaving his apartment block were now a regular occurrence, but she couldn't keep away from him. He was perfect. Every part of him.
He looked after her. For someone who had never had a girlfriend before, he knew how to treat a woman. He respected her and kept to her boundaries making her feel comfortable. It was hard to believe he hadn't been with anyone before because he was just perfect. He was the kindest man she had ever met. He put everyone else before him, especially her. He cared for her more than he cared for anyone else. He always wanted to know how she was, rather than bothering about how he was himself. He was everything she wanted.

"Are you awake joey? Or just talking in your sleep?"
She giggled innocently. It made his heart flutter. He loved her too.

"No, I'm awake"
He whispered. She rolled over to face him, their lips becoming close. He leaned in to kiss her. That did things. It made her feel things that she had never felt before.

"Good morning"
She smiled resting her head under his chin.


"Your so beautiful, early in the morning...with no makeup on, and your hair all messy"
He smiled. She had never felt so comfortable with a man ever before. As his fingers came to run through her hair, and dance along her scalp, her stomach fluttered.

"Mhm, stop"
Her voice muffled againts his chest  that she rested on.

"'re so stunning. I actually cant get over it"
She looked up to him, her eyes looking lovingly into his. She was obsessed with him. Of course she had been in relationships before, good ones too, long term but nobody compared to him. She believed he was meant for her, and she was meant for him. They had only been together a few weeks but as her mother always used to tell her 'when you know, you know'. She got that butterfly feeling when she was with him and the fact it had only been a few weeks didn't matter.

"And you're so talented. I can't believe you managed to get us all the way to the final"
Only the night before it was the semi final of strictly. Two very different dances in one week had completely thrown joe and they hadn't got the best scores. However they had got through, and it felt so special. It was only made better by them falling asleep in eachothers arms, just like they did every night. This time it felt different though as they had finally made it through to the final. They didn't care whether they won or not though, because they had found eachother and that's all that mattered.

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