chapter 22- you're denying the fact that you're in love

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"Are you ok?"

Turning to him, she smiled and nodded as they sat together in the waiting room, second therpay session booked for just 5 minutes time.

"Yeah I'm fine"
She told him.

He whispred. With what happened last time and her ending up in tears, he was worried if she would be ok and had spent alot of time wondering if they were doing the right thing, especially considering how well things had been going. Of course they had, their two weeks where every word between them was screamed and shouted back but with another two weeks passing, alot had improved. Since going to her scan and showing joe the ultrasound pictures, something had just clicked. She believed it was something about seeing the little life they had created that made her realise she could do this without him and then since then they had been alot happier. Of course they had their little bickers but it was nothing that couldnt be forgiven with a joke or two. And of course they had become alot more intimate over the past 2 weeks which had helped too. But with her now only 21 days away from the second trimester, things were becoming alot more real now and they had found themselves discussing how they would tell their friends and family and eventually social media. Thankfully It had been something they had agreed on and decided they would tell their parents first, after they had gone to their next ultrasound which had been another agreement they had made together. They had promised, joe was allowed to go to this one no matter what terms they were on when it came round to in. With it in a weeks time though, things looked hopeful.

"I'm fine joe"
She assured him, coming to rest her head on his shoulder.

"You do know though dot, if this is ever too much for you, we dont have to do this or we can make these sessions less regular"
He explained. They had spoken alot about their last and first session. With nora advising them to create their list of things they needed to improve on, they had tried to come up with that all important list alot but had gotten stuck on multiple occasions. They couldn't come to the conclusion as to why they had been arguing so much. Obviously it was clear to see both of them had made silly comments and both of them had their triggers but there was a deeper root to the problem and it wasn't that they kept hurting eachother.

"I know...but I just think I got upset last time because it was the first one. I didn't know what was going on and I didn't know nora. I feel better now because I'm not as nervous. I know the space, i know nora, and were happier"
She told him.

"How are you feeling?"
She waited a few moments to ask him. Of course they had spoken alot more about his feelings lately but she still felt as if he was unhappy in some way and she couldnt put her finger on why.

"I'm ok"
He told her.

" do know you can say if you dont though"

"Yeah of course"
He said.

"Hello, joe and dianne"
Nora appeared in the reception waiting room, the couples standing up and following her to her office, sitting down in the same spots they did as last time. Sitting noticeably closer this time round, nora was first to ask how they were.

"You two look alot happier than when I last saw you, how have you both been?"
She asked.

"We've been...."
Looking over towards joe, dianne knew she had to be honest. Even though they were better now, the past 4 weeks hadn't been all sunshine and rainbows.

She decided on ok, not wanting to say they were really good when in reality they hadn't been.

Nora asked.

"Up and down"
Joe added to help dianne explain.

"Ok, and I guess at the moment, you're doing better from how close you're sitting? You hadn't been this smiley and close last time I saw you both?"
Nora asked the two of them.

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