chapter 36- only 3 months to go

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"Wow, what a perfect little baby. She's looking perfect"
The ultrasound machine ran over diannes stomach, as joe sat next to her admiring the moving video on the screen. Since last time their baby had grown so much, it was unbelievable to beleive that she was once the size of a poppy seed and now dianne was 27 weeks along with a very prominent bump. She was due to have one final scan at 36 weeks, just to check everything before she went full term. Today however was to make sure she was all ok with having 3 months until her due date. Just over 12 weeks and their little girl would hopefully be here.

"Shes exactly where she needs to be, very healthy. Congratulations"
The sonographer announced, a different one to who they usually had, who was shocked at how perfect the foetus was.

"Thank you, she is still very small though isnt she?"
Dianne asked. It wasn't one of her concerns but she did think about it alot. She wondered if it would be an issue once she was born, Understanding it was from genetics but was still slightly worried her weight would be unhealthy once she was here.

"Yes, very tiny but it is definitely 100% genetics. Once shes here she will be very small but I'm sure it wont be anything to worry about or be a course for concern unless shes premature which....anything could happen"
If only they knew....
It hadn't once crossed their minds about her coming along early. It wasn't something they wanted to worry about unless it got to the time and dianne found herself in premature labour....which she eventually would but didn't yet know.

"I think now would be a good time to maybe start discussing and thinking about how you'd like to give birth. Of course not all labours go exactly to plan but it's always good to have a really solid idea of your definite wants and needs aswell as what you wouldnt like as much"
He told the couple, dianne listening carefully trying to take everything in. She ultimately would have to make some big decisions about what she believed would be good for her and her baby. But then again she had never had a baby before so didn't know what she would like, she just had to think about what she thought would make her comfortable and what she definitely didn't want.

"Alot of people also like to start preparing a hospital bag around the 30 week mark. I know you're not quite there yet but it's always good to start preparing just incase you have an early labour or need to have a long stay in hospital"
He suggested, dianne taking a mental note. She definitely did know she would like to have her baby in hospital. It was where she knew she would feel safest and so soon she would need to put together her hospital bag.

"Is there a higher risk of that...of early labour?"
Joe asked.

"Not at the moment. For most people it is just something that happens and we cant stop. We always recommend to start preparing at around 30 weeks but at the moment you have nothing to worry about. She seems absolutely perfect. In a good position, growing at a good rate, heart rate is good. Shes really healthy. I'll give you two a few moments whilst I print some pictures off for you"
The sonographer left the room, leaving the couple alone. This was alot to take in. It was their penultimate scan (unless anything was to go wrong). It made them realise how close they were until the end. Just 3 months until her due date. 17th august. It wasn't long. It could even be sooner.

"Are you ok?"
Joe asked his girlfriend handing her a tissue so she could wipe the gel from her bump.

"Yeah I'm good, it's just...its so soon, isn't it? We realistically haven't got long left"
It was hard to comprehend. This time 6 months ago they were in one of their worst places. She had just found out she was pregnant, not in the best of circumstances and when she had told him, he hadn't been completely happy. He was scared, just how she was. They had overcome that now though and were getting better. They hoped this could contuine.

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