chapter 34- turning points

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This is just a filler chapter so its abit boring but as I'm uploading this it is boxing day which means Christmas in hospitality is finally over, so I will have much more time to write for you all. I've been working on a new book that I'm 5 chapters into writing and as soon as this is finished, you'll get to see it. I'm really loving writing it. I only have a few chapters of this left to write. I'm up to the 33rd week of pregnancy and spoiler alert she does go into labour early so there really isn't long left.

"I'm 22 weeks today"
Dianne looked up from her bowl of yogurt and granola, smiling over to joe who was making his breakfast.
Their conversation the week before had brought them back, and they had figured things out. She still hadn't said those three words yet but she knew she would get there eventually.

"Oh my god, really? It feels like yesterday that you told me"
He smiled back at her, happy that now she was this far along they were happy again. They still had alot to work on but it was going well.

"I know it's crazy, I feel so much more pregnant now. Now I've got a bump and stuff and we known they're a girl and we can start buying things it seems so much more real"

"We haven't really brought much though. We've got a few things but we need to like buy a pram and a cot and just everything"
She was stressed about it all deep down but knew everything would be fine. They had alot of time to prepare, that's if they didn't waste it by arguing or ignoring eachother. That wasnt what they wanted though and so they were going to try their hardest to be better for eachother and for their daughter.

"We've got plenty of time and anyway she'll be sleeping in our room the first few months so we dont need to do that until later. It will all be fine, I'm sure of it. You know actually I brought her a little something the other day"
This brought a smile to her face. How he was buying stuff with her not being there so that he could surprise her, just warmed her heart.

"Really? What did you get?"
She asked him.

"I can show you but it's not really anything practical. It's just a nice little gift and you can use if use if the right word, you have one too. I got you matching"
He left the kitchen, returning a few moments later with a small white gift bag which he placed infront of her.

She gasped as she pulled out a smaller box, opening it to reveal the perfect gift. There was a small bangle inside. A silver one. One with small stones tracing around the edges making it sparkle under the light. Around it was a much bigger one, a part of the silver bangle pressed down so it resembled a long rectangle shape.

"I've been googling and aparently it's a tradition to get a baby a bracelet when they're born so I got this and I also got you a matching one but theres this bit here which is for engraving so I was thinking maybe when we figure out a name you can get it engraved along here"
He explained a huge smile growing on her face and tears brimming to her eyes. She couldn't quite believe he had done something this adorable. Not only had he thought about their daughter but he had thought about her too and he had done his research, whatever that meant to him. Nonetheless he was searching things about babies and that made her happy. He obviously wanted to be prepared.

"Thank you, that's very cute"
She took hers from the box bringing it closer so she could get a better look. It was the exact same as the smaller one except her one had space for engraving.

"I was thinking maybe she could wear it for her christening because I know thats really important for your family that shes christened"
They had spoken about it briefly a few days before. Diannes italian side of the family were strictly roman catholic and so it would be important to take their daughter to Australia a few months after she was born to not only visit but to be christened in the same place dianne had been. They had been having quite a few conversations about the future this past week and it had been good. It gave them something to look forward to.

"You really are a charmer, arent you Joseph?"
She wiped away the stray tear that had fallen, feeling his arm come to wrap around her shoulder making her suddenly jump and shiver.

"Oh my god...."
Her hand flew to her stomach, joe moving away slightly, believing for a split second he had hurt her but that wasn't what this was. This was something much more exciting.

"What's wrong? Are you ok?"
He asked worried that something was wrong.

"I think she's kicking"
She turned to him, not sure if this was really what she was experiencing. Keeping her hand on her stomach, she felt the movements. She had been feeling her move around lately but it wasn't kicking. It was more of a bubbly tingling sensation because she was moving that she could feel, but this here and now was a kick right in her lower abdomen.


"Yeah I think so, feel"
She took his hand placing it on her stomach and then they waited. She put her hand ontop of his, giving him a moment to try and feel what she had just felt until it finally came. A strong punch againts his hand from the inside of her skin, clearly a strong kick from their daughter.

"Oh my god, that's incredible"
He gasped not quite believing that this whole life living inside of his girlfriend, who was his daughter, was moving about and he could feel that. It was so surreal.

"She must be awake. Because shes now at the point where she can sleep and wake up, so she must know it's the  morning"
Dianne said placing her hand back where she felt the kicks, the few movements she felt now coming abit lighter than before.

"Shes just as energetic as you when she wakes up then. Shes going to be just like you, maybe a little dancer from those strong kicks"
He told her.

"She likes jiving already"
Dianne really did hope that she could one day teach her daughter to dance.
She of course didnt want to force anything if she didn't want to bur she really hoped that her children would have that love and they could contuine that love when she couldnt anymore. It seemed to be already though that baby sugg loved a jive kick, or an Argentine tango flick.

"She really does. We should maybe buy her a little dancing dress or some shoes when we begin to get all her clothes"
He suggested.

"Oh my gosh, we can get her a little flamenco dress. I'm so excited for the future"
Joe paused. That was definitely something he didn't expect her to say. She had been so worried about the future and what it entailed. She had doubted whether they would still even be together the next day, let alone far into the future when they would have their baby with them.
For her to say that she was looking forward to the future was a big thing to feel and even admit.

"You are?"
He asked her.

"I am. I can't wait to see who she is and what she looks like and who she'll grow up to be and I know now I dont have to worry because I know even if we aren't on the best of terms when she arrives, you're going to be there for me and most importantly you'll be there for raspberry. If I'm not in love with you by them, I'm pretty sure just seeing you with her will make me fall, and fall hard for you jospeh sugg...."

"Im so ready for the future........."

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