chapter 16- an all important phone call

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Joe grabbed diannes hand as she walked past him. She stopped looking at him, clear fear in her eyes. But she sat down next to him, his arm naturally falling around her shoulder.

"Stop pacing, it's not good for you"
He smiled, reassuring her as her hand came to rest ontop of his.

"I'm so nervous. This hold music is freaking me out"
She had her phone held out infront of her, on speaker, an upbeat but jittery song playing loudly on repeat.

"Its ok. You just need to talk. They'll probably ask you lots of questions and you then just need to answer them. It's just a little chat so they can figure out the best help to give you and how to support you"
He explained.

"I know but it's just so weird saying 'I'm pregnant' out loud and to a stranger. Like I didn't think I'd be pregnant in a situation like this because joe let's just face it....I know we've been ok the past few days except from our argument yesterday but were not in a good place. It's not like we've had the most perfect five year relationship and then decided that we need to take that next step. We had a big fight joe, didn't speak to eachother for a few weeks then had sex on a night out, didn't speak to eachother again and then decided to get back together to only four days later find out were having a baby. This baby isn't exactly a product of a loving healthy relationship, is it?"
She said.
She was worried. They were soon in about 8 months time going to bring a baby into this world, and they knew it would take longer than that to get back to what they were before.

"I know but we spoke about this. It doesn't matter what happens between us or our feelings towards eachother. We're going to do our best for this baby and if we dont work out, then that wont stop us wanting the best for our baby"
He tried to explain.

"Yeah but I want us to work joe. I don't want our child growing up living from a suitcase"
She said.

"I dont either. That's why were going to try and make this work. Yeah, were going to argue and probably have periods where we do speak for a few days but if thats going to make us stronger then it's all worth it"

"Hello, brighton maternity ward"
Their conversation was interrupted by that annoying hold music that had been ringing tramatically through both their ears.

"You got this. Just talk"
Joe whispred quietly just so she could hear, squeezing her hand. She didn't expect their relationship to be this good this soon. There would be dips though, they had seen that yesterday, and they would come soon but for now their main focus wasn't just their relationship, they also had a life they had to keep safe. A life which was growing by the day.

"Erm hi....I erm found out I was pregnant yesterday"
She stuttered nervously not knowing how to start. She had called the hospital unaware of what to do, so just told the call handler she was pregnant and didnt know who to contact for those first steps and they had put her through to their maternity ward.

"Congratulations. Can I take your name please?"
The woman on the other end of the phone said happily.

"Dianne Buswell"
She took a few more details. Her date of birth, her address, her phone number.

"Amazing, ok so are you hoping to work with this hospital on your pregnancy? Have a midwife with us and all your scans done here?"
She asked. Dianne learnt the woman's name was Rachel.

"Yep I'm hoping so. Well I dont really know what I'm doing...I've never had a baby before"

"That's all ok, were all here to help you. I can assign you a midwife who will be in contact with you within the next few days, who you can speak to at any time about your pregnancy but for now I will just need to ask you a few questions, just for safeguarding really, so we know you will be ok until then"

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