chapter 15- and then their lives were changed forever

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if you havent seen the countless amount of foreshadowing for this, where have you been? I've been making little hints at this since like chapter 5. I definitely gave it away in more recent chapters though.

She knew it would end up like this.....

That night all she had thought about was how the next morning she would make her way to the shop whilst he was still asleep, pick up a pregnancy test, do it without him knowing and it come back positive.

She knew it would happen.

But now for it to be actually happening was a different kind of feeling.

"Oh my god"
She stuttered quietly as that big bold word glared back at her.
There in her hands, that all important white stick  with 'pregnant' running across it.
Joe was right about that morning after pill.

How could she of been so sure?
She obviously hadn't.

"No, no, no. This cant be real. This cant be happening"
Her first thought was joe. She hadn't told him about all those realisations she had been having the night before. She didn't want to scare him, but to know he would no matter what be there for her, settled her. Not much though. She was scared.

This was going to be a huge set back for them.
It wasn't going to be easy.
They were in no way in a position to be having a baby. They weren't in love. They weren't even properly together. Deep down, they weren't happy.

"Oh my god....this cant be real"
It definitely was. It all made sense. The random pain she got when joe lesnt on her to the craving of pizza, a food she would never normally eat, it all added up. And it all came back to that night in december. There was no other time it could of been. Joe had been the only person she had slept with.

He was going to be an amazing dad.
She knew that. She knew he would be from pretty early on and she also knew she wanted to have kids with him. There was no one in the world she would rather have as the father of her kids but now it was all different. This could break them. She didn't know how he would react and even though she wanted him to support her, he might not want this. He might not be ready to be a dad right now with the position their relationship was in. He could run. And that's what scared her the most. What if he was more scared than her? What if he freaked out and left her to do this all on her own? That's if she would. She didn't even know if she wanted to do this. A part of her knew she could never get rid of a baby that was her own, a human life she had created. For her, it just didn't seem like the right option. But she was also frightened, and if she had thought about it more and come to the conclusion that things would be better without a baby, then she would have to consider not going through with this pregnancy. It was going to be a hard decision. A decision she couldnt make without joe and if he wasn't ready to step up to support her and be a dad, then she didn't know what she would do. She needed him. They had both realised that, but a baby could end it all for them if he wasn't prepared to be the dad she always imagined him being.

He was still asleep.

Perfect time to figure out a way to tell him because she couldn't keep this from him.

Rule number 1- honesty.

This couldn't be a secret for much longer.

She was already dressed, so hid the test in her Jean pocket which could luckily be hidden by her oversized jumper. She sorted herself out before walking out of the bathroom and going downstairs to the kitchen to make herself a coffee. Putting her pod into the machine, she picked her favourite mug, taking it once it was done.

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