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- I never knew men could look like that ... 

- Most soldiers look like that. They train a lot so they usually have beautiful bodies.

- Even the scars make them look better.

- That's because they got them for our country. Nothing is more attractive than a man who fights for his nation.

- Oh I'm definitely getting married to a soldier ...

Jingyi covered her ears, embarrassed.

- Do you think their lower body looks like that too?

- Ruolan! Jingyi scolded her.

- Probably. I mean, look at those muscles! There must be something down too ...

- Your Highness! Jingyi cried in agony. I can't believe we are doing this. What if we get caught?

- We won't. Everyone is busy training. And I'm sure they wouldn't mind an audience.

Ruolan and Yuanqian giggled.

- Come on, Jingyi! Yuanqian pulled her. Look!

- NO! Jingyi tried to cover her eyes.

The two other girls held her arms and forced her to see. Jingyi's cheeks glowed red as she saw thousands of soldiers training ... With nothing covering their chests.

- Enjoy the show, Ruolan whispered to her.

Jingyi bit her lips as her eyes followed droplets of sweat falling down someone's chest.

- It's ... Not that bad.

- We told you! Ruolan and Yuanqian cheekily giggled.

The soldiers suddenly stopped. They turned in the same direction and bowed.

- Greetings, Young Master! 

General Wang nodded and ordered them to continue. His eyes lingered on a specific bush.

- She is too much, he sighed, thinking about his sister.

He observed his men's training, checking the bush from time to time.

- Why is it moving that much? He wondered. She usually stays put.

He walked around, getting close to the bush.

- Stop crying! He recognized his sister's whispers. He is going to hear us!

- We will be executed, a voice cried.

- We won't, I promise Jingyi. Just don't cry.

Longwei blinked as he recognized the last voice. He walked to the brush, standing in front of it for a few seconds where he could feel the girls hold their breaths.

- Everyone! He yelled.

The three girls jumped from fear.

- Please make it that they leave, Ruolan prayed. I promise to not tease Yun and Jian anymore, and eat fewer walnuts.

He coughed to hold a laugh and turned to his army.

- The ten first ones to finish twenty laps around the Southern Palace can get eight days of vacation.

The soldiers looked at each other then started running like their lives depended on it.

Longwei walked away from the bush and kept his back turned.

- Quick, Yuanqian stood up. Let's leave now.

She walked away, followed by Jingyi then Ruolan.

Ruolan tripped over her feet, almost falling to the ground. She turned around and widened her eyes.

The General was looking straight into her eyes.

She panicked and ran to her friends.

- See? Yuanqian smiled. No one caught us. 

- Yes, Jingyi innocently smiled.

Ruolan nervously laughed, the gaze of General Wang playing in her mind.

Yes ... We definitely weren't caught ...

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