Chapter 33

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Wyatt/ Tate

3 years later

"Don't let me fall cause that will be embarrassing"
"No one is around here to see you fall and you're not going to fall cause I'm not going to let you" She sighs as I walk behind her covering her eyes walking onto an outside balcony hanging over a cliff looking over Lake Maggiore. She's wearing the prettiest blue sundress, the sun is setting and it's cliche but it's perfect. It was the first vacation we both had since I started playing and her new job, we both had the time and the money to do it so we're covering all of Italy as quickly as we can, the lake was a surprise.

"Okay I'm going to take my hands away but keep your eyes closed until I say to" I gently pull them back as I lower myself onto one knee. "Okay open"
I hear her gasp and laugh. "Oh wow, this is stunning, I can't believe you had this kept secret for so-" She spins around looking down at me, holding out a blue velvet box, the lid open showing the silver princess cut ring I bought months ago. I had to call her Grandmother to find out what size she could be, if she preferred silver or gold, what to even get. She helped me for weeks, I called her so many times and she couldn't have been more helpful. They were ecstatic when I told them what my plan was and they couldn't wait to see it on her. I only just told my parents a couple of weeks ago and Mom was struggling to keep a lid on the surprise.
"Wyatt" She whispers
"You know that I love you, you know that I will always have your back. What you don't know is, the honour it would give me to spend the rest of my life with you, to watch you bloom every year in your career and yourself. I can't wait to have a family with you and see the rest of the world and my life got flipped upside down the minute I sent you that message to the wrong number. You were the right one.
Tate, will you marry me?"
I don't always cry, but I'm teary eyed more than her I think, she nods her head up and down so fast. She holds out her hand and I barely put it on the whole way as I rise up and she hugs me straight away. I hold her up spinning her and I around until she kisses me and I can taste the saltiness from both her tears and mine.


Eight months have passed and the wedding was today. I was terrified, but excited. This isn't the day I fully planned without both of my parents, one I wish were here and the other I didn't mind. I asked both of my Grandparents to walk me down since they're the only family that's been there for me since Mom died. Apart from Wyatt's, who have been nothing but supportive. We stayed in New York to get married, a little more upstate where it was quiet and it was just us and our guests. No paparazzi since Wyatt had gotten a little more famous with the attention he gets playing the games. The outdoor setting was like something out of a fairytale, a forest in the middle of nowhere, and the longest veil and biggest white dress I've ever been in. I walk down the aisle with Ivy in front of me, two friends from school and a cousin of mine who is younger so we got her as the flower girl. I walked straight in with breath shaky and seeing Wyatt, the room and everything around me stilled our eyes fixed on each other and it was the best damn day we could've asked for.
Ever since I got that text message from him, all the hours of staying up late on the phone. How easily we fell into each other from the moment I felt it and the first time in years, I felt at home.


GUYYYYYYS! I can't believe it's finished! I'm so sad but I've loved these characters and the story so much. You guys have been so supportive and loved it so much and still can't believe how many people are reading it. I have a new story I want to do soon and I'm still in the process of planning so I can have it kinda come out all at once a bit better and not leave you guys hanging for too long. I'll have a new tik tok page for it as the other one I have I'm having issues with changing things in it and I'll update the linktree with a new playlist for book 2.
Thank you for the love on this one, you have no idea how much it means to me. The wrong number idea randomly came to me months and months ago and for a while I had someone helping me and they did amazing job with making sure I was on the right track. The next one will be all on my own, it won't be an ice hockey romance but it might be a little darker and a lot more fun than this one heheh.
I'll give you a hint because I can't resist it.
(Do with that what you will)

I can't wait to write more soon 🤍🤍🤍

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