Chapter 13

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Arriving at Wyatts, I take in the length of the street and think to myself I could count the street lights down from 80 and that's how far away he is from my place, he wasn't kidding. We could literally stalk each other. The house is light sage coloured brick with white trimmings and two stories. My body couldn't be more jittery, I take a deep breath at the thought of entering his territory, but I don't feel unsafe.

(T) I'm here
Sent 11:05pm

About 7 seconds pass and he swings the door wide open, he stares at me and then looks left and right. "Are you looking for someone else?" I ask puzzled
"Just making sure you weren't followed, gotta make sure I'm not developing more than one stalker"
"You're such a dork" I make my way to him walking inside. He takes off the scarf that he lent me, I've worn it everyday since. He grabs my beige coat from my shoulders out of my arms hanging it on the hook. I toss my keys in my jacket pocket and slowly follow behind him. "Heeeeey Tatey" Kylo drunkenly slurs, Derek screws his face up at the nickname as do I. Clearly he's drunk enough in less than hour to become this wasted. Wyatt laughs at it. I think Wyatt's version of a nickname is a lot better. I walk further in the house greeting the rest of them. I take in the house one step at a time, for two guys who live together the house is relatively clean and tidy. They have some style. I'll give them that.
"You drinking tonight T?" Wyatt holds out an empty red cup and I'm tempted, but I should go home eventually. Not that I really want to. "No thanks, I think I'll drive home later" I never told Dad where I was going with them so he has no clue and not that I intend on telling him but I just know if I don't come home in one piece I might as well be put on the bench.
I did get a call from my grandparents half way through the game and I owe them a visit. I should try and call around tomorrow or monday. They're a lot more pleasant to see and stay with, probably wouldn't hurt staying there for a while too just so Dad and I don't kill each other and we have a break.
"What did you think of the game Tate?" My pondering thoughts break away with Derek's question, I decide to answer honestly. "Brutal, you guys are definitely savages out there" They nod in agreement. I suppose that's the attitude you need out there, callous plays and devious moves. It definitely keeps the game thrilling to watch. My phone starts buzzing in my pocket and I take it out to read who's calling. I spoke too soon.
"Hang on guys I'm going to take this" Of course Dad is calling me. It'll either be a half assed apology or telling me he's going somewhere. I take a step out of the kitchen into the hallway to answer "Yes?" I ask. "Where the hell are you?" So now we're interested in my whereabouts.
"I told you earlier I'm hanging out with my friends, why?"
"It's almost midnight Tate, you should be home" Is he joking? I don't even remember the last time he went off at me like he is, of course it's only because I'm with these guys. "You can't just pretend to care now because you don't like I'm getting along with the team Dad"
"It's not the point Tate, you're out late"
"Again, you can't just pretend to care now." I hear scoffing and long drawn out sighs from his end and I just wait for another bunch of useless words that won't hold up his argument. But I end up speaking again "I'm not drinking and I'm not doing drugs, I'm driving so you don't have to worry that I won't get home safe, if I don't come home I'll be with Grandma and Grandpa. Even though the sudden thought of caring about my wellbeing is questionable, I will be fine."
"Sorry I asked-"
"You can't just abruptly call me and not expect to get an ungracious response. I'm 22 years old, I can't make my own decisions. Did you have plans with me?"
"Exactly, I'm with my friends who invited me out and want my company. I'm going to go enjoy people wanting my presence around" I hang up so quickly and release the fire erupting through me blowing out a long drawn breath. There's always been an insistent back and forth head butting competition between us, one of us needs to have the last word and both think we know better. He never really fought with my Mom but she always ignored the bullshit. She did her own thing because it made her happy at the end of the day. It's not like him to be calling out of the blue like he has but there's no surprise it's for a selfish reason.
I'm not drinking? Maybe I should.
I walk back into the kitchen and see an empty room and red cups next to vacant beer bottles. I start pouring vodka and coke together in a cup and skull what remains in it. "What happened to not drinking?" Wyatt startles me, he's leaning against the door frame, watching me. He takes me by surprise a little but I can't take my eyes off him. He's dressed the same as he was the other day, a long sleeved black shirt and black jeans.
"I changed my mind, is that okay?" That was a little rude. The stunned look on his face makes me feel awful.
"Are you okay?"
"Sorry, it was my Dad" He nods understanding "That bad?"
"I've been in a bad mood ever since I spoke to him before I came here, well not just because of him.." I rant too quickly not thinking before I speak.
"What happened? You know I am here if you want to talk about it? I don't care if he's my coach or not, I'm not going to expose your darkest secrets or bad taste in pizza" I smile and it warms my heart. I take a deep breath, deciding whether to say it, but I do anyway. I need to tell someone about it.
"I saw my ex tonight, it's the first time I've seen him since I left and since I broke up with him"
"Oh, was he nice to you when you spoke?" He walks over to me a little closer leaning on the kitchen bench across from me
"We didn't speak, and to make it better, he was with the girl he cheated on me with. So that was fantastic" I take my cup and start making another drink when I notice his face is stiffened.
"Tate I need to tell you something" Okay, not what I was expecting.
"What is it?" He makes his way around the kitchen bench, standing in front of me.
"I haven't said anything because there isn't exactly a great time to tell anyone this, the girl he cheated on you with? That was my girlfriend at the time"
Charlotte was the girl he meant to text? I'm not blinking. I don't say anything. I'm completely paralysed. "W-what.." I finally say.
"I wanted to tell you but I just haven't had a moment and I honestly wasn't sure if you'd want to know."
"Wyatt, you could've told me at any time, it wouldn't matter. I'd still be just as stunned."
"Yeah I know, I just, I don't know. I didn't want you to think I was up to something at the coincidence"
I didn't before, now the thought is in my mind.
"When did you find out?" He crosses his arms looking down at the floor "August's birthday, you were talking to his cousin and it wasn't until he left I worked out who he was and then I put two and two together after he mentioned you dated the relative" There is no way in this world that this is happening, what does this all mean? I think I need another drink. "I'm not mad I think I just wish you told me sooner"
"I know I'm sorry, if I'm being honest? I forgot to tell you. I know how that sounds, but ever since I've been talking to you I'm not thinking about how depressed I was because of what happened. Charlotte treated me so badly and I hated how much it got to me. But you, you changed everything. You've been nothing but the sweetest" He pauses and I watch him search for his words "The sweetest friend."
I walk closer into him and wrap my arms around his waist. He holds me close, caressing my head with his hand, the other around my back. Two broken people mending the other without saying a word. Something pings in my chest, I slowly pull back and stare at him. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you" I shake my head "No it's okay, I understand. We've only just met, how would you know how I'd react?"
He keeps one arm around my back bringing his free hand up to my face brushing my hair behind my ear, my eyes flutter to close feeling his soft fingertips graze my skin. "I meant it when I said I'm glad you text me that night"
"Me too"
I feel his body move in closer and I suddenly feel breathless, his body warmth rubs across my chest as he reaches past me grabbing my cup to bring it to my hand, I look down, taking it out of his grip and drinking. That was close.
"Come on, let's get your mind off it. I'll call you a taxi later" He holds out his hand and I lightly grip a hold over his fingers as he leads the way into the living area. All the boys are sitting watching re runs of NHL games on the tv "Do you guys watch anything else other than hockey?" I question
"Sometimes we watch baseball" Kylo says "It helps our game" Wyatt replies.
I guess he's right, whenever I'm taking pictures I always look at other photos to compare, how else do you learn better?
"Where's your camera Tatey?" Something tells me the nickname is going to stick with Kylo. "In the car, and no I am not bringing it inside" he pouts.
"Why not? After party shots"
"Have you got $1300 to replace it if you spill beer all over it?" He sips his drink, I can see the wheels turning in his brain to come up with a response "I could have" I shake my head
"Maybe next time, I've only got the one. But, my phone camera skills are just as good" He passes me his phone and I take a couple of him next to Heath and Derek, I toss his phone back to him after it. "Okay now it's my turn" Oh god.. He stumbles over to Wyatt and I positioning the camera in front of us.
"Get in closer love birds" Pointing at us both, Wyatt doesn't hesitate as he moves closer to my side wrapping one arm around me as Kylo unsteadily takes a photo of us "Give it here you idiot" Wyatt grabs the phone off him and looks at the picture he took "I like it" he states.
I nod my head in agreement, I watch Wyatt send the photo to himself from his phone and my stomach flutters. He hands back Kylo his phone and takes out his "Do you want me to send it to you?" He asks me, I nod again and he sends it straight away. I'm going to be looking at that picture for a while later.
They continue to watch the game, shouting and drinking. There's music on in the background and it's subtle but I hear it enough to sing along quietly, Wyatt turns his head in my direction and smiles when he catches me singing. I quickly cut myself off and say nothing. This is so nice, I've never had a big group of friends before, the friends I had before we all parted ways for college I only saw during school hours or on a random night out. Ivy has been the only friend I've seen and spoke to every single day. I'm hoping she gets over her flying anxiety to come over here because I really miss her a lot. "I'm making more drinks, who wants one?" I immediately raise my empty cup up for Derek to grab it. He comes back with the same thing I had before, although it's a little stronger, it makes me cough. "Shit, was that too much?" He asks, I shake my head
"It's fine, I'll still drink it"
"Atta girl" I laugh and continue drinking it.
The boys but mainly Kylo are getting drunker by the minute, Kylo is the only one who can't stand on his own two feet "As you can tell, Kylo is a lightweight" Wyatt states, "I couldn't tell" he laughs at my response.
"YESSSSSS OH YEAH!!" He stands up from the couch throwing his hands up in the air a little confidently, because it shoots all the drink out from the cup and all over me "DUDE!" Wyatt yells, I am covered in beer, excellent..
"Oh shit Tate I'm sorry, I'll make you another drink" And this is why I was not bringing my camera inside.
"It was your drink you dumbass" Wyatt grabs napkins on the coffee table and passes them over to me. "Bedtime, lets go" Derek takes the cup out of his hand but Kylo tries to politely argue "Noooo, not yet I won't have anymore drink's I promise"
"How about you eat something and then go to bed" Kylo grins and points at him "Good idea" Derek and Wyatt shake their heads exchanging looks, the rest of them laugh at him. I try to pat dry my face and hold it over the ends of my hair but my new shirt Wyatt gave me is soaked, and my god it doesn't smell good.
"I am drenched" I try to laugh it off but I feel so awkward now, maybe I should go home. "I can wash it and put it in the dryer if you want?"
"Am I going to walk around naked for the time being?" He smirks at me "Only if you want to" I lightly punch him while he chuckles at his own response. "Come on I'll get you something" He's such a gentleman every time I go with him somewhere or follow him out of a room, he always always holds his hand out for me, as he does right now. He stands over me while I'm still sat on the couch, I take his hand as he pulls me up and leads me up the stairs. He points at some closed doors pointing out which is Derek's room and the bathroom, we make it to his room and he slowly opens the door. His room is neat with white coloured walls, a window frame that looks directly out to where the sun would set, just like mine.
He takes out a dark grey t-shirt with the word Miami written in blue on the front, he hands out to me "Thanks" I take it from him as I turn around to face the other way, I take off the beer ridden shirt and throw on his shirt. It smells so good, I take in the scent of the shirt and how much it smells like him, I turn to find him faced the other way. "I'm all good" He turns around and chuckles "It's a little big hey?" He asks.
"That's okay, more comfortable that way" I walk around his room a little and see a picture which I'm assuming is his parents
"Is this your parents?" I hold the picture up to see them with Wyatt in the picture, mountains in the background. "Yep, that's Mom and Dad"
"You look like your Mom"
"Yeah I get that a lot"
We both turn our heads to the door to hear cheering from Kylo followed by footsteps coming up the stairs, we walk out of the room to see Derek and Elliot carrying Kylo to the spare room directly across Wyatt's, I stand there with my hand over my mouth trying not to show my obvious laugh.
"Go to bed, I'll bring you some water soon"
"But I'm nooot tired" He slurs, Derek puts him in the bed "You are so, you've had a big day, now rest" He acts like such a douchebag sometimes but then other times he acts like a Dad, it's cute. "Thank god, come back down stairs you two"
We follow him down the stairs and continue drinking and watching the rest of the game.

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