Chapter 7

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I'll admit, Charlotte coming in threw me off. I wasn't expecting her to show up so early, and I'm still shitty about it but I'm mainly shitty at myself that I dated her in the first place when I was given warning signs. I think I was just an idea she liked, she chased me for weeks and asked Derek about me all the time and he told me no. But she knows how to be sweet to get what she wants and I slowly learned that when she constantly wanted to drive my car and get my attention. Always making me feel guilty for not paying for her, lending my car or taking her to every party I went to at the same time so she could hang off my arm, which I hate PDA enough as it is. We had fun at the start, she never came across conniving and she did try to get along with all of my friends, it was nice while it lasted, thankfully she never met my family, but she did turn sour a few months in. I broke up with her as soon as I found out that the one night I didn't do what she wanted she tried to hurt me by cheating on me with the person I despise the most from our most competitive team, Bryson Zander. She used it as a lesson to learn tactic thinking I would stay, but I wasn't going to stick around to find out how much worse it was going to get with her. It hurt me because she used me and I think I was genuinely more upset with myself for not trusting Derek in the first place or my gut. The disguise of her niceness and innocent act was only for show to be by my side and mainly towards her family, her family come from wealth, her Dad's the mayor and her Mom works in the office beside him.
I am beyond over it now and don't have time to dwell about it but I think it's the lack of human decency that irks me about her that I was really just there as a convenience and it doesn't phase her at all. Something about me was a good convenient use of time, and for whatever that reasoning is I will never understand, nor do I have time to think about why. I shake off the annoying feeling by the time I get home from practice and get in the shower, because I'm hit with a new feeling that comes over like a tidal wave. I'm about to meet with Tate. There's something about her that tells me we could be really great friends, I don't have many girl friends apart from my little sister back in Alaska who is younger and claims and tells everyone we are best friends for life. But other than that I just know some of the boy's sisters and friends but I've never had anyone close to me. Never been close with any of the figure skating girls, I've either never met them or they're Charlotte's friends so I don't waste my time. Superficial and selfish. I text Tate before I have a shower to let her know I'll be about 30 minutes and ask her to send me her address. After getting out she replied immediately from when I sent mine. I head to my closet to start finding something to wear when Derek calls.
"Bro, where are you?" he asks, I shut my closet door and throw on a black henley shirt. "At home, why?" he groans at my response "We're at Salvatore's, we always come here for dinner after practice?"
I had actually completely forgotten because of my sour mood, but I also had other plans anyway so I wouldn't have gone. "I thought I told you, I've got dinner plans tonight" I explain and he laughs at my response "Who could you possibly have plans with tonight?" The silence on my end isn't going to help my case, because I don't know how to respond. I don't want to make it a thing and I don't want to tell him, but if I don't it'll be weird. I'm already over thinking a situation that hasn't even become anything yet.
"It doesn't matter" I finally respond.
"You better not be seeing Charlotte, Wyatt" I cringe at the insinuation "God no, I'm just heading out tonight" I'm trying my best to defer the question but it's not happening
"But with who?" My eyes roll as I put him on speaker to put my shoes on "Nobody dude, I'm not seeing Charlotte and I'm not going on a date" The returned silence from his end gives me anxiety, hoping he's hung up
"I never said anything about you going on a date" I can almost hear the smug grin on his face, so I silently sigh after realising what hole I've dug for myself. "Wyatt Hendrix you sly fox-" I pick up the phone and bring it to my mouth "Goodbye Derek" He laughs some more and I hang up. I quickly stop to lay down as the rush of anxiety hits me. I don't always have panic attacks and it's been a while since I've had one but I know how to calm them by laying down and closing my eyes. I take in some deep breaths to relax. I relax a little too easily and I fall asleep.

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