Chapter 16

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It's been a week since I kissed Tate. I knew I was walking a fine line with this friendship but I'm glad I kissed her. She's completely buried herself in my mind all week and she isn't getting out any time soon. I've seen her everyday this week except today until later at this weekend's game. She didn't stay any other night's after Sunday night. I told her to see her grandparents while she can and that I'm not going anywhere. But that didn't stop her trying to see me everyday. Monday night was the loneliest I'd felt, but not in a sad way, I just completely missed her presence. I really am trying not to be overbearing with my messages and blowing up her phone, I'm trying to keep things a little normal as it was before. But it got to 10:30pm. My eyes were heavy but my body was wide awake and restless. I would roll over every side of my bed to try and sleep, then I'm consumed by the smell of shampoo from her hair on my pillow, her perfume soaked in my bed sheets, it made me comfortable but also at a loss because I couldn't physically touch her. I give in to my desires and text her at 10:45pm only allowing myself fifteen minutes to try and sleep.

(Wyatt) Are you awake?
Sent 10:45pm

Almost immediately, she replies.

(T) Is this a late night booty call?
Sent 10:45pm

A quiet and quick chuckle ripples through my body and already a thousand new sensations and feelings are tingling through me like an electric shock. It's a feeling I've never experienced.

(Wyatt) Ouch I'm hurt, after kissing me for two days you don't think I'm a gentleman?
Sent 10:46pm

(T) A lady doesn't kiss and tell.
Sent 10:46pm

(Wyatt) Well my lady, a kiss for a secret?
Sent 10:46pm

(T) Possibly, if you're good.
Sent 10:47pm

(Wyatt) I can be good for you darling.
Sent 10:47pm

(T) Are you tired at all?
Sent 10:48pm

(Wyatt) Parts of me are, other parts aren't.
Sent 10:48pm

(T) What parts are awake?
Sent 10:49pm

(Wyatt) My mind mostly.
Sent 10:50pm

(T) Why, what's keeping it on?
Sent 10:51pm

(Wyatt) You.
Sent 10:51pm

(T) What a bad slideshow of my face that must be flashing through.
Sent 10:51pm

(Wyatt) My favourite one so far.
Sent 10:52pm

(Wyatt) Are you tired? I wanna ask you something.
Sent 10:52pm

(T) Yeah sure, is everything okay?
Sent 10:52pm

(Wyatt) Give me 10 minutes I'll be back.
Sent 10:53pm

I don't think or hesitate. I get in my car and drive all the way down to her grandparents place, I park a little further down the road so my car doesn't startle anyone in their house and not to give myself away. I walk up to the front of the house and stand on the sidewalk facing directly in front of the house.

(Wyatt) Look out your window.
Sent 11:03pm

I see the top left window curtain curve open and quickly fall back to its draped position. After 10 seconds she throws the door open, closing it quietly behind her and rushes down the footpath meeting me halfway as I walk up.
"What are you doing here?" Her hands rest on my chest as I hold her face in my hands blocking the cold breeze to her cheeks.
"I can't go to sleep without a kiss goodnight" Her smile grows wide and so does mine, I lean down kissing her cold lips feeling them get warmer and warmer on mine the more our lips latch on to each other. I don't take my hands from her face and I kiss for so long. I can taste the mint from her toothpaste breaking through into my mouth. We whisper moans through our mouth, we catch our breaths for not even a second before we dive back in. I kiss her like it's the last time, and take in as much as I can.
"Did you really drive the whole way just to kiss me goodnight?"
"Is it too much?
She shakes her head "Not at all, I didn't know I needed one"
I steal another kiss from her again. "Go inside from the cold and get some sleep beautiful"
I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear and smile with her, she wraps her arms around me so tight that I don't want to let go. I kiss her on her head. She starts walking backwards and our hands brush until we hold on like we're about to fall, I pull her back stealing one last kiss on the back of her hand and finally let go. I wait until she's inside and the doors closed before I turn around and head back home.

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