Chapter 2

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(Wyatt) I'm not grateful for the time we shared, I almost pity you and the person you are. I've never met someone so toxic with such an ugly heart. You're no longer my concern and I'm better off without you. Good riddance.

Sent 3:05am

I wake up around 4am struggling to get back to sleep, I check my phone to see if Ivy may be awake only to find this text message. From a number I don't recognise. I keep re reading it over and over trying to put the person behind the text, is it Bryson? Is it someone from my old school? My old job? But, I haven't told anyone apart from my family that I'm coming home and Ivy. I decided to reply to ease my anxiety a little in hoping they won't respond by saying they know exactly who this is.

(Tate) Hey, I'm so sorry this is how you're feeling. But I think you may have the wrong number, I don't know this number and I haven't caused harm to anyone that I'm aware of. I hope you're okay.
Sent 4:13am

I sent a reply with no hesitation, but then I think I should've left it because maybe they would've felt better about getting these feelings off their chest. Too late now though.. I go sit in the chair by the window to look out at the night and the town lights flickering. It suddenly dawns on me that no one knows I'm here, and I'm going to have to deal and respond with a lot of surprised faces within crowds or directly standing in front of me. It's definitely starting to get cooler here, it's the start of October and feels like the sun is hiding away as much as it can behind the clouds. My phone vibrates beside my leg and I pick it up to see there's a reply from my mystery texter, I look up at the time to see it only took 20 minutes to get a response, and also how long I've been staring out into the abyss.

(Wyatt) I don't want to be rude but how can I know this isn't my ex? Messing with my head some more?
Sent 4:33am

My ex.. Whoever this is has a point, I could say anything to make him believe it is or isn't their ex. But now I know why the message was so cold and brutal. I'm not sure how I can ease their mind. Then a lightbulb goes off.

(Tate) I could send a picture of myself? I don't think there is any other way I could prove to you I'm not who you think it is.
Sent 4:35am

I realise also how stupid that is because I am half asleep and my hair is a mess, I quickly run to the bathroom to check myself in the mirror, maybe if I capture in a low light it'll be fine. I don't know if this is a boy or a girl either, not that it would matter to me.
I haven't heard anything for about 5 minutes, maybe they-

(Wyatt) Is that okay?
Sent 4:40am


(Tate) Attachment sent.
Sent 4:43am

After rushing to take 20 different pictures until there was one I liked, I sent a front selfie to the number. I don't know why I was so worried when it's not like I need to impress them, I just need them to know they didn't text their ex.

(Wyatt) Again, not to be rude but can you send another one but holding one finger up?
Sent 4:45am

I take another one, in the same spot. I'm still sitting by the window so the moonlight shone a light filter over my face and I held up one finger and I smiled.

(Tate) Attachment sent.
Sent 4:45am

(Wyatt) Wow.
Sent 4:45am

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