Chapter 25

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"Sorry, I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" I put my shaky hands up to him to let him know it's fine and I ignored him straight away after that. Completely rattled by the echoing bang that sounded like a shotgun from Wyatt's fist on the plastic wall. I look over to Ivy who's looks deeply entertained by what happened. "Why was that attractive?"
"Attractive isn't the word Ives" She throws her hands in the air looking defeated.
"Tate, look at him he's pissed. I haven't even met the guy, he hated watching that regardless if you were going to kiss him or not" Wyatt blowing up like that isn't what I expected, I'm completely startled and embarrassed. I can't think straight I was already nervous enough and now all eyes are on me.

"I need to go for a walk, I'm going to the bathroom" She lets me through as I quickly walk directly past the boys box to the girls bathroom door. Thankfully there's no one in here, once I sit myself down in a stall I let out a massive sigh until a bunch of laughter grows closer before it enters the room.

"Seriously though what the fuck was that from him? He's got it bad for her Charlotte" Great, exactly who I don't want to see. I'm definitely staying in here until they're gone. The two girls with her continue laughing and passing comments until she finally speaks, sighing first. "Well I tried, I know he'll come back to me once he finds the gift I left him"

Wait, what? What gift?

"Oh my god Charlotte you're so bad what did you do?" I slowly lean forward to look through the crack of the door noticing a smug grin on her face. She giggles again.

"I snuck into his house, I was going to wait for him to come home after the game last week but I noticed a Polaroid camera, so I left a gift in his wallet that he carelessly left behind. I even took a nap on those sheets of his"

The girls gasp in unison as do I silently, my heart sinks and I immediately feel so guilty and full of grief. She broke into his god damn house? She's fucking crazy. I feel utterly sick to my stomach. I don't know what to do about her or this situationship she thinks she's in. "What about Bryson though?" One of them asks

"I'm having fun with him, Wyatt's who I want. He didn't have to break up with me, he just needs to learn how to be a better man beside me" Anger fires through me.


"She broke into my house?" Wyatt's defensive look on his face drops and his jaw twitches "Apparently she's not done trying to do things to get you back, she couldn't stop saying how insane she is about you" 

"Correction, she's just insane in general" touchè.

Frustration is written all over his face and I'm hesitant in speaking again. But he stops to look at me, either about to say something or waiting for me to. It's an awkward silence and I feel odd not touching him.

"Wyatt I'm-" my voice cracks "I'm so sorry. I just couldn't bare the thought of letting myself get into another situation like Bryson and getting played" he drops his bag beside him before he responds

"I understand, I just wish you'd heard me out. Because I was hurt and angry and so confused how it go there. I threw it out immediately. In fact I burned it in the fire. I've been trying to figure out how it got there in the first place but her breaking in wasn't what I had in mind."

"I know I should've heard you out I just got defensive and needed to protect myself and I should've stopped to listen. I got scared"

"You and I have been burned by the lowest of people who didn't deserve us. I'll always try to work on my part, if you can try to do yours. Because I'm always going to protect you, Tate I'm never letting anything hurt you like that again" the reassurance in voice breaks me but I hold the tears back.

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