Chapter 20

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"Okay, but in a battle between Loki and Wanda who would win?" The inner nerd of August comes out as we discuss who would win in superhero fights. August without fail has seen every superhero movie imaginable. After one night of having a marathon to strategically watching him and the other ranks the best to worst, I never want to have another superhero movie night again.
"Wanda, she could have killed Thanos." Derek gives his piece, I speak up "Look I think Loki probably could, Wanda can't control her powers as much, Loki is older and has more experience." I don't know how Tate feels about superhero movies, maybe those marathons aren't over yet.. I'm glad she's getting her drink during this conversation though. Come to think of it, she should have been back by now. I turn my head around taking a quick glance around the room to see if I can notice her, can't be hard with the only girl wearing a pink dress like hers. As I scan the room I unfortunately make eye contact with someone I did not even think twice about seeing. Someone I didn't want to see.

"Hey Wy Wy!"

She sits on the arm rest of my chair as quickly as I stand up. Noticing the mini red dress with long black boots on making me cringe, I always hated her outfit choices.
I glare at her not saying anything but I can hear murmurs from the others around me hoping she'll just go away.
"Aw don't be like that Wy Wy, I've missed you and now that your girlfriend's gone"

"No Charlotte, she's getting a drink." I quickly cut her off before she laughs, that evil wicked laugh of hers is like nails on a chalkboard.

"Yeah I saw her getting cosy with Bryson, the slut. I don't know why she keeps going after my men"

"Call her a slut again Charlotte and-"
"Oh come on you need to lighten up, you know it's true though. Just my sloppy seconds."
I get chills in the back of my mind knowing Brysons here talking to Tate. But I trust her and I know Charlotte is either lying about Tate being cosy with Bryson or Bryson isn't even here. I don't want to take my chances and Tate ends up in an uncomfortable situation because I don't believe Charlotte. I start walking off from her and the others to find her when Charlotte grabs my arm stopping me.

"Charlotte let go."

"Wy, she's nothinggg and I know it." She whines. This stupid girl, she's never going to know that Tates everything to me, I'm not very good at hiding it according to Kylo. It's always written on my face how much Tate means to me. I scoff at Charlotte "You get dumber every day." She rolls her eyes and tries to attempt a seductive smile. I think.

"Oh Wyatt, can't you see. It's us baby, we're endgame." I hear a laugh covered by a cough coming from one of the boys. Enjoying the cringe worthy conversation.

"I'm going to make this very clear right here, right now. There is no us. There never will be an us again. It's me and Tate, she's the one I want. So let go of my arm so I can go get my girl."

Charlotte's face drops and her eyes fill with jealousy and rage. I start to walk off again but Charlotte's words stop me

"She deserves what's going to happen to her." I spin around so fast facing Charlotte. "What are you talking about?"

"When a girl takes your man, you gotta put her in her place." Charlotte has always been a bit crazy but I'd never guess she'd do anything drastic.

"What did you do?" She just shrugs smiling and walks off. I look at the guys who are looking at me, concern is written all over their faces, even grumpy Heath.
They all stand up agreeing to split up, texting each other in our group chat as soon as she's found. Derek grabs my shoulder. "We split up, August, Kylo go out the front, Health and Elliot do the bottom floor. Wyatt and I will take the kitchen and upstairs." They all give me a nod of reassurance, the plan is brief but we all head into different directions immediately.

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