Chapter 12

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It's been 3 days since August's party, I haven't seen Wyatt since. I feel as if we've talked more than before though, in between ice hockey practice and my own things to do we haven't caught up. The days kind of flew past and we may have also spent every night up until at least 2 am texting, if it wasn't meme's, it was bad tik toks or completely random things. The relationship between the two of us has grown so quickly and much stronger. I've even told Ivy more about him, she's still adamant on him being my soulmate but I wave off her jokes and ignore it. She's seen some of my pictures I took of him last week, and says he's a dream. There's no denying he is handsome and he's taller than me. One night we did have one phone call at random, I texted him telling him I couldn't sleep.
T "Hello there"
W "Do you come here often?"
T "I do now"
W "Are you flirting with me T?"
T "You called me"
W "Ahh, it's okay I won't tell anyone" we share a laugh.
W "I feel like I don't thank you enough"
T "What for?"
W "Well, for not only being the wrong number I texted but for not being a boring accident"
T "Well in the case you're welcome and I'm glad I was a happy accident"
W "That you are"
W "That accident kind of saved my ass, can't imagine if I actually remembered her number"
T "What would you have done if you did?"
W "Definitely regretted it, she never would've let me hear the end of it."
T "Do you reckon you guys are completely over or do you still love her?"
T "Sorry that was kind of intruding and rude"
W "It's okay, but no it's over. I definitely don't love her. I never did"
T "Really?"
W "Yeah, thank god I didn't. Something I don't have to regret"
T "That's fair"
W "Have you ever been in love?"
T "I dont- I don't think so"
W " What about the uh ex you mentioned the other night?"
T "At the time, maybe but it was building up but it never come up, never had the feeling to know"
W "Guess we're the lucky ones then"
T "I feel like we're pretty lucky right now"

I do feel lucky, I feel lucky for how we ended up like this at the right time.
I took the kiss on the cheek as a compassionate way of being there for me. Not that I didn't appreciate it, I thought it was endearing and I think I'm okay with the idea of having a type of relationship, well friendship where I can let them get close and it not go any further. I really like Wyatt and I like the way how comfortable I am around him. I'm so excited to watch him and the others play because I've only seen them training.

I arrived a little earlier than I planned when I had an incredible idea early this morning for the first game back. I'm going to try it and see how it works. I more so hope I can convince my Dad with it for a social media idea, gain more views and grow people's interest in the team, because right now their platforms are not the best. I'm hoping it all comes out in my head the way I imagine it. The wind isn't too bad today and the sun is shining despite how cold it is. I grab my camera bag out of the car and walk up the long footpath from the parking lot leading up towards the front doors of the rink. I drop my bag to the side where a park bench is and lean down to catch some shots of the empty car park to do a before and a after shot of the sold out game. After a few minutes some of the boys start showing up, some of the first years are the first to arrive, they smile and wave at me after I take a shot or two they realise what I'm doing and smile shyly afterwards. There's roughly 25 of them, they have a few spares but most of them are first years who usually sit on the bench but it's good to sit and watch for a while, watching is just as good as doing. I noticed Elliot and Heath getting out of the car and walking in my direction "Heyyy Tate, what are you doing?"
"Just getting some first day back content, thought you guys would have your best game faces on" They laugh and stop to pose for me, they continue walking and I get a few candid shots. Kylo isn't far behind them "Good to see you're not late tonight" I take a picture at the right moment as he laughs at my comment "Not tonight, I'll lose my head and they'll use it as a puck"
"Good luck tonight" He brings his two fingers up to his forehead saluting me and continues walking past, a few others I haven't met walk in with August and I get some great candid group shots, they too go shy after they notice what I'm doing. Derek and Wyatt get out of their car and I instantly become nervous, I haven't seen him for days. I shouldn't be so nervous to see someone, it gives me a worrying pit in my stomach for no reason. They both start walking up together, Derek sees me straight away and gives me a friendly smile, he nudges Wyatt to look up from his phone, he looks up at him "Oh shit, go on without me I forgot something" Wyatt doesn't even notice me and runs back to the car, Derek shakes his head as he holds up a hand to me to wave at me and I capture that friendly grin on him "This guy might look solid as a rock, but he's a nervous wreck. Don't tell him I told you" I nod
"Your secret is safe with me"
I look around to see if anyone else is coming up and then Wyatt steps into my view, his hands in his tracksuit pockets, his head down until I catch his eyes finally, he looks up and smiles. I think I've taken the best one of him yet. "Catching me off guard now T? Sneaky" I bring my camera screen around to my view to check how the photo turned out, it turned out great. The sun's rays slightly give him a glow and I love it. "Only because you make it impossible to make you smile for a shot" He gives me a look and I try to hold back a laugh. "Hm, I don't think it's that hard anymore" His eyes are locked on mine, my breathing is a little shaky "Uhm, are you nervous?" I don't know how Derek can tell he's lying, because I certainly can't "Would you tell anyone if I was?"
"Tell anyone what?" He smirks "I won't tell a soul, have fun tonight, I'll channel good game thinking vibes to you while you play"
"Good, I might need it" I go to grab my bag when he stops me.
"Oh I have something for you by the way" he takes his strap bag off his shoulder, it's got Hendrix written on the front in white with the team logo on the side, he opens the zip and pulls out a black and orange Trentham Tigers jersey, including his number. He holds it right out to show me "I wore this my first year and it's a little too small for me now. So, instead of throwing it out, I thought you could have your own official team shirt for your first night, everyone should know who you are too" I'm in awe and so stunned, I can't believe he thought of me. "I don't know what to say" My hands cup my cheeks trying and I can't hide how stunned I am. I haven't reached for it yet "I promise I washed it, it hasn't got a 3 year old game, man sweat on it" I laugh. I take my camera off around my neck for him to hold, I take the shirt and gently throw it over my head trying not to mess up my messy bun or get it caught in my little hoops. It fits perfectly. It's a little baggy and oversized but it still sits nicely. I hold my hands up to pose my new shirt for him he smiles, he quickly holds up my camera taking a picture which catches me off guard, but it makes the corners of my mouth turn up
"Welcome to the team"
Screaming and shouting from the stands are making my eardrums ring, I forgot how loud the stands can be. I haven't been to a game since my Mom was here, she went as support to my Dad no matter what, I went as support for her. It's currently 3 - 8 Tigers way. So far I've worked out that Derek and Wyatt team up constantly every time the other team starts shit they'll generally pick at either one of them and the second Derek or Wyatt have someone on them, the other isn't far behind as back up. The Tennessee Titans play so rough, they've been pushing back and starting so many fights. I stood by the box taking some shots and watched as a couple had a squabble, shoving their fists to each other. Derek and Wyatt both share smug grins talking shit to the opposition's faces and I couldn't hold my composure, it made me laugh. They're both on offence, Derek on the left and Wyatt on the right. I haven't fully worked out where the other boys are fully but slowly working it out. It helps to know because I can always focus on one player at a time if I need to, but I need more from above shots. I've got so many ground level shots I need to find a way to get up top, maybe I'll bring a ladder. See how well that goes down with Dad.

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