Chapter 21

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"Look left, and now look to the right" Sophia instructs my eyes to follow her little flashlight as we sit down in the living room. She asked all of the boys to give us some privacy while she checks me over again, now that I'm a little more conscious. She checked over my entire body last night. I barely remember it well because I was still so out of it. She's kept me comfortable and relaxed the entire time, always letting me know if she's going to touch my body and what she's about to do next. She's so sweet and I can see why Derek is sweet on her too, her hair's naturally curly with the shiniest black hair I've ever seen, brown eyes and warm honey skin. She's absolutely stunning. It's nice having my own personal nurse, I'm glad I wasn't taken to the hospital. I knew if I did, Dad would've found out and it would escalated from there.
I want to deal with it and sort this out on my own terms.
"Now are you absolutely positive you don't want me to check further? Just to be safe" I shake my head to her questions. Everything starts coming back in flashbacks and sometimes it's something new I didn't remember until that moment.
"I remember it all, he didn't touch me there"

"Let go of me Bryson" My vision is so hazy as is the rest of my body, slightly tingling with numbness but I try to block it out. Bryson has me half pinned down on some random bed when I can hear his belt being undone. I try to push off him back up against the headboard, he grabs my ankles bringing my body back down further sending my dress up around my waist, I might have underwear on but I'm still exposed. "Stop moving, you're not leaving until you agree to come back to me"

"No." I kick my legs as much as I can as he tries to grab onto me, the adrenaline running through my blood stops me from crying and my fight or flight mode has truly kicked in. The force of my kick sends his body back as he lets go of his belt and his pants drop causing a pang of panic inside me. "Tate stop fucking moving"

"No, I won't Bryson. I. Hate. You"
I get a little confident with my words while I continue fighting every chance I have. "Wyatt's going to be looking for me, you know that right?"

"No one's getting in here" His eyes darken "And you're not getting out" He tries to crawl up on top of me and fight mode is fading. His body towering over me, my heart beat is rapid. I feel all the muscles in my body tense, feeling as if I can no longer try to fight it any longer. "So shut the fuck up" He grips onto my arms so tightly my muscles start retracting making it hurt more. One hand drops down to my thigh trying to pin it down, his nails digging into my skin so hard it burns. I can't stop the tears, the fear of anything that could happen right now deepens further in my mind. "Please, stop"

His hands grip harder as I fight it. I start kicking again causing his hand to collide with my leg as it slaps against my skin and he reaches for my throat when I feel all his weight fly off me, I hear the music louder than before realising the doors open. My body cradles into itself as I protect my body, I can hear Wyatt shouting at Bryson and Kylo trying to talk to me, my skin is burning and my stomach is in knots so tight I could vomit. My body starts shaking and the tears don't stop coming out. Kylo tries touching me and I reject it, I'm having a panic attack. What I don't realise until later is I'm having a bad trip from whatever he drugged me with. Wyatt's voice comes through to me moments later in waves of reassurance and safety it settles me a little. I barely remember making out of there, the things I do remember is staring up at Wyatt carrying me in his arms and then waking up in the back of the car. I've never had an experience like that before and I can't believe I let someone like that in my life. I wish I hadn't been so stupid to believe him taking me to see his sister.

"I want to take a look at those bruises, okay? Just to see how bad they are today. I'm not going to tell you that you need to make a report but if you do, there's photos here and I will medically witness it for you" I just nod as takes her phone out, holding my arms out she flashes it onto my arms first, causing my eyes to flicker shut until she's done. My thighs hurt the most, with crescent indents embedded in my skin along with purple and red marks printed on my legs. "Are you okay if I ask about how you felt on the drugs?"

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