Chapter 32

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It's the day before New Year's Eve and two days since we got home from Wyatt's parents place. Wyatt called the giants recruitment straight after our morning, he told him he was bringing me with him and he was more than happy to considering the only thing I was being offered was the apartment with him. Sadly there isn't any photography or media jobs going but the season for next year hasn't started so anything is possible for the new year. They're going to wrap up this years season in April so he suggested Wyatt come down whenever he can and meet the team, come to some of the trainings to get acquainted and see how the others play so we pretty much started packing right away and we're leaving in two weeks. The boys were stoked when Wyatt told them, none of them had been picked for anything yet but it was still early days and anything was possible. Just my luck too Ivy's parents live in New York and she visits them all the time so I'll see her just as often which makes me feel even better about leaving. My Grandparents on the other hand were sad but they wanted me to get out and see the world, do what I want to do especially the things that would make my Mom proud. I told them they can literally come any time and we have the room for them, I'll do my best to come down when I can. During Wyatt and I packing up his room my phone rings from an unknown number.

"Hello is this Tate?"
"Yeah speaking"
"Hi Tate, my names Genevieve Sullivan I'm good friends with Carrie and Stephen, Wyatt's parents?"
Totally random.
"Oh hi, how are you? Sorry I just don't think I've met you before"
"Not yet dear, that's okay though. Look I'm sorry for the out of the blue phone call but Carrie and Stephen just informed me that Wyatt is playing for the Giants next year and you're going with him. I have something that may interest you in your move over there. I'm not sure if you've heard of me before but I work for Vogue and I'm the head of photography and visualise department and we are desperate on a photographer coming up for the Spring season, with fashion week coming up in March. I've seen your work you've done during Wyatt's games, what you did for the resorts website and I searched up your name to look for other pieces and I found your collection on instagram and I was very impressed"

Everything that could be in my throat is lodged in my throat. I don't think I've blinked or breathed. Am I hearing this right? Vogue? Want me?
"Sorry I talk really fast and some times I don't give people a minute to process a thing. I know it's a big ask and I'm practically throwing you in the deep end but I will help you from the start, you can observe and learn from the moment you land here up until when I need you to start, you'll have brand new cameras and equipment, you'll be recognised as the photographer in the new issues and you can come with us to Paris for Fashion week."

"Wow, oh my. Wow. I have nothing else to say except yes, I- I would love that so much. I should be there in two weeks I can start once I've settled in?"
"Brilliant! Oh I can't wait to tell everyone I have you. Seriously you have done some fine amazing work and it deserves to be seen. There's more than just the magazine here so you have so many doors to go through to help your career but this is just the start"
"Oh my god thank you so much, do you need me to email anything over to you?"
"Text me your email to this number and like send over the contracts and anything else I need. I'm looking forward to working with you Tate"
"I can't wait Genevieve"

My phone almost drops from my grip to the floor as I slowly spin on my feet towards Wyatt.
"I just got a job, at Vogue. In New York"
"Fuck off.. you're kidding"
I shake my head with tears in my eyes, Wyatt runs around and picks me up in the air spinning so fast my head might fall off.
"It's your parents friend, Genevieve, she seen what I did to the website and the photos I took, my old collections online she loved it, she loved me"
"This is already the best new year and it hasn't even started. I'm so proud of you Tate"
I fall into his arms and start crying the happiest tears I've ever felt. This is really the beginning of a great new year.

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