Chapter 4

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I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I went through the front row of all the boys faces to make sure that no one was blinking or in the middle of a sneeze, it's a lot easier to check photos as I'm going so I don't have try call them all back in again and also not to make my Dad think I can't do my job properly. My eyes scanned across each face and I had to do a double take because I caught myself staring at one person in particular on my camera screen, I looked back up towards him and I realised who I was seeing. I gasped a little too loudly because everyone's heads shot up looking toward me in the black.

My Dad said something and quite honestly I didn't hear him properly so I replied quickly to ignore the conversation.
I couldn't believe that he was here after the night he had last night, on top of having to wake up early to be here for picture day. He looks slightly dreadful in a tired way. I wanted to make him laugh, they all needed to smile anyway.
After taking all the pictures, I asked my Dad to send him in first. Being the captain I wouldn't forget the first person I take the picture of is the captain so when I put together their profiles I won't miss that important detail. He agrees with me and sends him over to me after they all exit the room. I didn't really need to take his first, I would've remembered. I don't miss or mess up a detail. I would've written it down along with their position on the ice. But I wanted to talk to him, I still don't have time to focus on boys or even think about them but I really wanted to see his face I don't think he'll care much, I think it'll be funny for 5 minutes, maybe I'll make a friend out of it considering I don't really know anyone here anymore.
Anyone I was friends with here has either moved away or still at College.


"Wrong number girl" he has the biggest grin on his face, it sent a flutter through me when I watched him realise who I was, I smiled back and laughed.
His voice is slightly husky but it sounds so sweet, he has these eyes so blue, a dusty teal yet they're so deep in colour I can't take my eyes off his and hair as brown and dark as the Coffee I have in the morning. He's handsome.
He crossed his arms over his body and just looks at me in disbelief.
"You're right. Timing is a funny thing"
He chuckles again and shakes his head slowly in shock, I sit my camera down on the table. "I suppose you're feeling a lot better?"
He stops in his tracks and his smile fades, with a blank face.
"Oh god.. I'm so sorry, I'm glad you can witness an apology in person. I'm so embarrassed.." He brings his hands up to his face and runs them down
I giggle "No don't be! It's fine, at least you know I'm real now and not your ex"
"That's definitely for sure" He smirks and lowers his eyes down to my feet and slowly trails them back up to meet my eyes with his. He sends a shiver across my chest and I'm pretty sure I felt the colour disappear from my face.
"Um- Are you okay if I take your headshot?"
He looks downs to his feet and takes a step back on the yellow line and puts his arms behind his back and smiles.
"I'm ready" he says
I raise an eyebrow to him "And you're smiling?" He chuckles, "I can smile this one time for you"
I shake my head smiling and pick up my camera holding up in front of my eye, I take some pictures of him while he smiles and my god he has a nice smile. Wait. Focus, just take the picture.
"Did you get enough wrong number girl?" I turn to him and tilt my head with my eyebrows furrowed together "Is that my new name now is it?"
He steps forward a little closer to me "It could be, unless you told me your name I could arrange for that to be changed?"
"Why don't you tell me your name?
He shakes his head "I smiled for you, and for someone as pretty looking as you I can't call you wrong number girl, that's just insulting"
A small flutter feeling turns inside my stomach and I try to hide my smile again, I take a deep breath and blow it out before I say anything
He tilts his head slightly and he smirks, he rubs his fingers along his jaw and holds out his hand "Wyatt"
I reach for his hand to shake and our fingertips touch bouncing backwards the slightest amount from feeling an electric tingle shoot through my arm, it makes me gasp slightly and he looks to me, I try to hide it. We slowly move our hands closer to the other and my fingertip graze along his fingers and then his palm until his hand closes over the back of mine and I clasp it at the same time, the feelings shooting up my arm and through my body make me suck in a quiet breath like I'm supposed to hold it.
We quickly let go and look away from each other, I realise I need to defer the awkwardness to another conversation. "Um do you reckon you could send in the guy next to you and just anyone else after that?"
"Derek, if he says anything assholey tell me and I'll beat him up" I laugh
"I'm sure I can handle him"
"Do you have experience with assholes?"
"You could say that, once or twice"
He doesn't say anything to that "Well I'll go fetch him for you, but seriously don't take his shit he's my best friend but he's a dick"
"I'll remember that" I turn around to walk over back to the table where my camera is and pull the strap attached over my head so it sits around my neck.
"Guess I'll be seeing you around then?" I turn around to look to him "I guess you will be'' He smiles and steps to head away when he stops and gives me one last glance "See you soon Tate"
Hearing him say my name does something else inside me I can't describe.
"See you around Wyatt"
He exits the rooms and I watch him shake his head again. I blow out a shaky breath I didn't realise I was holding in. I don't know why that was so intense, but I know I said no boys or dating, I'm sure we could be friends if we got along together well enough. I'm just going to have to get past him being tall and dreamy.
I spend the rest of the day photographing everyone else in the team, Wyatt was right though, Derek is a bit of a smart ass, whenever I asked him to smile or move positions he said he loves being told what to do, I shrugged it off with a laugh and tried to get his pictures done as quick as I could. He did hit on me though, he used a shitty pick up line that made me want to roll my eyes.
"Would you be interested in going out?" He has a permanent grin like he assumes I will say yes straight away, I don't.
"I don't know, don't really know you all too well"
"How else do you get to know people?" He's got me there.
"Hmm I suppose" I try to look busy and play around with my camera changing the settings to one thing and resetting it hoping he gets the hint. " Why don't I show you around here, I take it you're not from here?"
This boy has no clue.
"Actually I was born here"
He looks a little stunned "Oh well, why don't I show you around anyway" he was so persistent "What's your name?"
"It's Tate" my voice is flat, I feel like I should give the guy a chance, maybe if I state my intentions clearly he won't try anything, Wyatt did warn me and by the sounds of it he is a sleaze.
"Okay, if I agree to hang out, you need to be aware that I don't want anything with you, nothing against you but I like being by myself"
He throws his hands up in surrender "Alright I can take a hint."
He really can't.
"Thank you"
"So when can I take you out?"
"Maybe in a week when I'm not working"
He chuckles "Might be pre occupied with hockey training but I'll make it work."
"Alright then, well can you bring this guy in next for me I need to get these done or my Dad will lose it"
"Okay, well thanks for the pics, I'll see you around"
He exits the room and I'm already relieved, I really don't think I want to hang out with him, maybe I'll find a way to get out of it.

My Dad was last and he was the least but thrilled about the whole thing. He sat there and looked through all the pictures."They're good Tate, how long will it take you to get the profiles done, I need to email them across at least within the week"I can already hear the lack of confidence he has in me in his voice. "2 maybe 3 days at most, if all the players filled out their profile paperwork properly and fully then all I've gotta do is edit them and attach the photos and then throughout the week I'll do the videos and edit them as well and give them back to you"He nods his head and places the camera down, I go to pick it up and place it and the rest of my equipment in my camera bag, I zip everything up and put it over my shoulder. "Do you need a ride home?" Completely ignoring what I said, I have to remind him that my grandparents lent me their car while I'm here, since they don't like driving as much anymore that they're getting older and prefer getting a taxi or my Dad taking them places when he isn't busy. "Alright well, I'm gonna hang around a bit longer"I shoot him a dead look in the eye "You're not going to have dinner with me? You missed out on dinner with me last night"
"Yeah I know sorry, but I've got some things to sort out in the office, you understand though don't you?" I really don't, I'm getting past the point of trying to understand let alone caring.
"It's fine, I'll find something near by on my way home"
"I reckon that Thai place you like is still open near our house, you could go there on your way home?" He makes the suggestions like he's reaching out for the approval of my forgiveness in missing dinner with me again. I give him half a smile and grab my keys and head out the door.
I head towards my car when I spot a white bmw with a few boys crowded around it. I notice one of them is Wyatt but I don't acknowledge him, I don't want to appear desperate for friends.I get into my car and turn up the heat and turn on the ignition. I drive off and head towards the Thai place which is a place I can never remember the name of but I arrive just in time and order my food.
I drive home to walk inside a very cold house, I might have to leave the heating on whenever I leave so I come home to warmth. I got my favourite Satay Chicken with noodles. I grab a drink from the fridge and start walking over to the wooden dining table. But instead of eating at the table lonely and quiet I decide to head upstairs and curl up in bed and put my laptop on to watch a movie. I finally find one which is just a feel good one, 27 Dresses. My favourite scene has always been when they're in the bar drenched from the rain singing Bennie and the Jets. Elton John is definitely a favourite of mine and no matter how you're feeling or what mood you're in, there's a song to match.
I settle in after eating and lay further into my bed to keep myself warm when unexpectedly my phone pings and it's from Wyatt..I wasn't expecting him to send me a message at all, I opened it to find one that makes my bitter mood disappear.

(Wyatt) Is it disrespectful to have your number still saved under 'wrong number girl'?

Sent 1:58am

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