Authors note

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Hey guys!
As you might've seen there's been some new changes to all the accounts, I have updated everything including the names and links to everything so it's all up to date.
If any of the links aren't working please let me know.

As for updates I promise you I will have some more chapters soon! I'm trying to see how much I can get done and edited before the weekend if not I'll grace you with multiple chapters at once to make up for lost time. There's so much more coming and I'm trying to not rush through it because I would hate for it to end up looking really shit towards the end especially when there's been so much love for the story so far. I never thought it would grow like it has and my friend who was helping me with so much of this we were so blown away. But thank you so much for the love with the story and I hope you continue to love it. ♡♡

I hope you love the next one just as much 😉

Fine linesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora