Chapter 30

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I knew this one of the last few games before Christmas break. Everyone was on edge including Wyatt. For the most part he never directed his frustrations onto me and any time he wanted to be frustrated he used me in other special ways to let it out and bring him back to earth again. I've kept my distance from him and the rest of the boys on game day knowing the scouts are coming by to check things out. I did my thing as per normal, I took photos of the boys, the game and people in the stands. I even got to see Skye again and discuss how the social accounts are growing and the interest in watching the game live from home. Which we know we'd need some kind of sponsor to help stream it and then it's deciding how much we charge people, per game or subscription. We couldn't figure out what would be easier until I suggested a poll online to ask what the fans thought because at the end of the day, it mattered more what they wanted than what we assumed. I typed it all out and set it up for everyone to see it by the end of the day.

As half time hits I make my way to the ladies room. Shortly after coming out of the cubicle I spot a blonde wearing Wyatt's fan jersey with his number on it, I look at the reflection of the mirror noticing who it is. As she finishes washing her hands her head perks up noticing myself standing behind her.
"Oh well, just the person I wanted to see"
"Well I don't want to see you." I walk over to the sink washing my hands, as she turns her body to face me.
"Hmm, well I just thought you should know that you need to make things easier on the three of us and start backing off Wyatt" Peaking my interest, I go along with whatever game she's playing.
"Oh okay, and why would I do that?"
"Because he doesn't want you sweetie, he and I are getting back together. It's inevitable" She tries to hold a pretending care stare on her face as I let out a breathy chuckle nodding my head. The girl is delusional. I know what she's saying is true because she's put it into her own head. But I don't believe her.
"Goodbye Charlotte" I don't even dry my hands properly with the paper towel as I toss it to the bin and start making my exit. She grabs my arm pulling me to a halt and I flick my gaze to her.
"Let. Go. Of. Me." To her assent she drops her hold. "Do you think this is funny? A game? You're a joke Charlotte."

She pulls Polaroid pictures of her jeans pocket holding them in her hand but I don't get a proper look at them. Until my eyes widen at what I see.
"Here's what's going to happen since you're not understanding how serious I am. You're going to go back to whatever school you go to and you're going to break up with him. Otherwise, I'll take copies of these to the Minnesota Ice board and your school board exposing you as nothing but a perv with a camera"
She glared at me with smugness as I stare at the pictures she's taken, I can see all of the boys half naked and taken through a gap in a vacant locker. Holding my composure and stare at her.
"No one will believe you" I bite.
"I'm a top figure skater here at this rink, who's word do you think they're going to believe?"
"Why can't you let him go? You cheated on him you slept with my ex at a frat party and you think he's going to want you back?"
"Look, Tate. I know you don't understand but you have two options get yourself sent back to school or you can take yourself out. Your choice." She pats me on the shoulder taking herself out of the bathroom.
(Tate) SOS
Sent 2:32pm
(Ivy) Call me in 30 seconds
Sent 2:32pm
"Do I have to come down there again? Tate I will be on a plane in an hour I do not care"
"I just don't know what to do"
"Have you told Wyatt?"
Ivy was the first person I thought of and told after it happened, I know I should've gone to him first but there's nothing he can do.

"I haven't. He can't do anything, what if I just came back early and tried to finish early? It would be easier." I figured trying to find an easy solution would make the situation less horrible. But every time I come up with a solution, I feel myself spinning even harder.
"But then you'll have to try being in a long distant relationship with him, that won't work any better."
I've thrown my head back against the wall so many times, I'm surprised my head hasn't blown a hole through it. Despite not being afraid of her, still something about what she's doing makes me think if I don't do as she says she'll make it hell for him and hell for me. I can't risk anything with college, there's so many fine lines that are being crossed here and I don't like the thought of any of them.

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