Chapter 18

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After about 15 minutes of making out outside, we agreed it was getting too cold to stay out there any longer. By the time we got back inside the party vibes had settled down a bit, Kylo was still drinking of course but the others were mellow. He's always enjoyed drinking, I think it's the reward after the game for him but he really only lets go with us, because he can. I take Tate by the hand leading her behind me back to the group.

"And where did you guys go?" Kylo gives us a raised eyebrow look, I'm used to this where it won't make me laugh or get mad, I just roll my eyes or ignore him but Tate thinks it's hilarious. He tries approaching us further with a confident drunk strut until he trips on his own shoelaces spilling a drink all over Tate. Again..

"Ky, seriously?" Tates completely drenched in an dark blue liquid and it reeks of vodka.

"Oh shit I'm sorry T, I-"

"Bed." Derek cuts him off.

Kylo groans, taking himself upstairs stomping to the spare room without trying to argue. "Jesus, we need to cut him off sooner than that" Derek states. "You're not wrong"

"What was he even drinking it's foul"

"Vodka" Derek and I respond in unison.

She looks up at me with an awkward smile, I can't believe how irresponsible he gets every time he drinks. Then again he's not as bad as other people can get. Her white t-shirt dress is practically see through and I can see the black bra seeping through. Derek heads off to bed as well while the rest of the boys head home, Tate and I head upstairs so she can shower and get changed.


I sit on the edge of the bed leaning over as I rest my arms on my legs and clasp my hands, as I wait for her to finish her shower, my leg is shaking up and down. For some reason I'm nervous. I told her to jump in and I'll have clothes ready for her when she finishes, thinking she'd yell out to me to bring it to her but she stuns me when she pulls the door wide open with one of my grey towels wrapped across her chest even with the corner tucked in the middle, she still holds it. Her loose strands of hair are wet and curly but the rest of it is tied up on top of her head. As much notice as I'm taking in I haven't moved, it's not the thought of her being completely naked under one layer, well it is but I've never seen her like this. The bottom of the towel only just covers around her ass and the front so I can see how long her legs really are that I've never noticed, even though she's shorter than me by a mile, I drag my eyes up noticing how her olive skin lightens the further up to her hips.

God I can't take my eyes off her.

"What?" She asks me nervously, I stutter a response as my gaze finally draws back up to her face.

"Nothing" She tilts her head slightly and slowly she walks over to me, I straighten my back up the closer she approaches. Her body gently pushes through my legs inching closer, she places her hands on my shoulder gliding her bare leg along mine as it reaches over my thigh and I instinctively pull her other leg over me and sitting her on my lap as she kisses me. I don't get any further than she implies and I'm not going to push for more either, I like how slow this and we have been, a good time isn't going to make me want to jeopardise that. During the kiss the corner of the towel slipped out forcing it to fall, she stops kissing me and opens her eyes the same time as I do, but hers in sheer panic. I don't do anything but rest my hands on her arms, I don't look down or away, I keep them locked on hers.

"I won't look down unless you want me to" Her face settles but I can still feel the nervousness in her body, but she brings her lips back down to me and kisses me even softer. I don't know what she wants to do so I do what any gentlemen would do, my finger tips trace down her body to her waist where I find the edge of the towel and slowly drag it up her body, I get about midway up her back when she stops me, she leans down onto me pushing me down and I let go of the towel, I still don't look. "Are you sure?" I whisper. She nods.

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