Chapter 5

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The boys and I all piled into Derek's car to head back to the apartment for dinner, after the long hangover practice we had I think we needed it. I head into the kitchen to get myself a bottle of water, the rest of the boys decide that last nights antics of drinking whiskey and rum weren't enough so they all make their own. We all talk amongst ourselves while we share glances to the tv playing the news, we talk shit about our main competition, not that we're worried but we're all keen for our first game back. I've been playing hockey ever since I was a kid and the older I got the more serious I got into the game, wanting to be better every season and working on anything I lacked in the previous one. My parents have never pushed me beyond what I can and have already achieved and they'll always be my biggest support system, but I still want to show them I can do better every year. I know they're proud of me. It sucks but I know they can't make it out every year to watch me so it's always watching the live games on the tv. My parents are from Alaska, so I don't always have the time in the season to go home except for holidays. I grew up around ice hockey and skating as a kid, my Dad coaches the little league kids team, he used to play pro until he had major head injury which has caused him never to play professionally again, which is why he has never pushed me and wants me to know that you can be serious and enjoy it at the same time. He and Mom now own the Alaskian which is a training complex and has ski gear to buy and hire. Dad trains the little kids for ice hockey while my Mom who has been figure skating her entire life has also retired. She went to the olympics 3 times and won every single division. She was an artist at it, she still gets recognised by people in the street. But now she's one of the top coaches in America and travels around constantly. She's a spokeswoman and a trainer at the Alaskian as well. She teaches figure skating to the younger kids and more so the older kids too, taking them across America for competitions and nationals. Safe to say her and Dad never let go of their passions and wanted to share their passion with others. They opened up the rink when I was young and they've kept it going ever since I moved away. They wanted to stick with what they know without letting it go. I was never pressured to do what my parents did, but I suppose it's always been in my blood. I never hated the sport growing up when I played, I loved it and I'm good at it.
One by one the boys slowly head home, we all have independent study to do this week so it's best to keep things ahead of ourselves as the season is about to kick off next week. We've all technically finished college but doing extra looks good towards the NHL. They can see we're serious about doing more to better ourselves. Sort of like summer school but we don't have deadlines, we just need to finish a certain amount in a timely fashion so it doesn't look lazy. It helps that we're all doing it because we bounce off each other for help.
It's now Derek and Kylo left. It's only 11:30 and I'm so tired, but Derek makes a comment about Tate and it strangely grabbed my attention enough to wake me up a little.
"I asked that photographer girl out today" Kylo looks to him puzzled as fuck as to why he either blurted it out or asked Tate out in the first place.
"Derek, you don't have to grab every girl's attention who you crosses your path" Kylo responds to him making me thin my lips out holding back a grin.
"Can't a guy show a girl around?" He sarcastically throws his hands in the air as he sits back down on the couch. "Yeah but your version of showing a girl around is showing her around you" Kylo responds
"Also aren't you with Sophia?" I interrupt as I am deeply confused with the fact he's been seeing Sophia on and off for the last 3 months.
"Yeah, that's.. complicated" Kylo and I both roll our eyes, "Dude, Sophia likes you and you like her. Stop beating around the bush and go tell her" Kylo leans forward into the couch and groans. Derek looks to me like he's waiting for my own thoughts but I stay silent, because I just want him off the hanging out with Tate subject, why that is I don't know. "Don't look at me, Kylo said it" he rolls his eyes and puts his head down.
"I'll figure it out, maybe you can hang out with her Kylo" he responds trying to make light of the mood. Kylo throws his hands up in surrender with a nervous laughter "No way, I ain't getting involved with the coaches daughter" Shit. I didn't even think about that when I talked to her, I'm not going to get caught up in that kind of mess but I do want to know her more. It's cliche to say but, being friends can't hurt. But then, there is no way I texted her number and seen her all in the same 24 hours. Kylo snaps me out of my questioning trance.
"I'm heading home boys, I'll catch you Wednesday night for August's birthday bash" shit again, I forgot about that. I'm never drinking again, it's turned my brain into rocks. Derek and I say goodbye as Kylo heads out the front door, I lock it behind him and do the night shift of switching off the tv and the lights before heading to my room. Something prompts me to check on Derek the way he brushed off Sophia tonight, I can tell he likes her. He's just never had a decent human being of a girlfriend before because they've all been a bit psycho or horrible towards him. He yells out to me saying goodnight and I do the same.
As I lay in bed my head feels like it's finally at rest laying on one surface, no ice, no flashing camera lights and no anxiety of running into ex girlfriends, all the chaos is calm again. I try to roll over and close my eyes, the second I do Tate's face flashes behind my eyelids. The muscle memory kicks in and I remember every feature, she looks nothing like she did in her late night text picture, and by nothing I mean she looked even more beautiful, her wavy chestnut hair and the golden brown eyes that stared at me and into me like she could read the secrets and see right through me with ease. Along with an angelic smile that would make the devil melt. But I can't have her, nor do I deserve her in the state I'm in. She's kind and she would probably never hurt a fly but I can't put myself through another mess again.
I grab my phone from my nightstand and text her, after 2 hours of trying to sleep. I don't remember when I did, but after meeting in the photography room I walked out feeling a little less tired and I saved her number in my phone. At first I thought it was funny to save it as 'wrong number girl' just because of the irony. I text her asking if it's disrespectful to keep it saved under that.

(Tate) Wrong Number Girl is a little less cringe than Mystery Texter that I have saved in my phone.
Sent 1:59am
She saved my number..
(Wyatt) I think we could both do better than that.
Sent 1:59am
(Tate) We could. But I reckon we are better than that.
Sent 2:00am
Hmm, you're right. Okay no cringe, how about TM. A trade mark.
Sent 2:01am
Guess that would mean you own me.
Sent 2:01am
Normally I can spit fire a come back for things that would benefit me but everything I think of sounds either too cruel or nasty and for some reason I don't want to be like that towards her.
(Tate) What's your last name? Does the initial roll off the tongue?
Sent 2:02am
WH is not a good initial name to have, sounds like you haven't finished typing a word.
Sent 2:03am
You're right it's not, is your middle name a secret? I could use that?
Sent 2:03am
It is classified. Top secret. I could explode if I told you.
Sent 2:04am
How on earth would you explode?
Sent 2:04am
TNT explosives..
Sent 2:05am
Sent 2:05am
What's T?
Sent 2:05am
Your new contact name. T.
Sent 2:05am
I like it, I haven't had that one before.
Sent 2:06am
I go into her contact and change her name to T.
(Wyatt) Looks like there's a picture missing, I could use your 4am picture you sent me last night?
Sent 2:06am
You do that and I'll change yours to you by the toilet.
Sent 2:06am
Touchè. Don't do that, I'll explode.
Sent 2:07am
You've really got to let go of this exploding theory of yours. It's impossible.
Sent 2:07am
Never. I refuse.
Sent 2:07am
Maybe I can take a photo of you with my camera, will that be more to your liking?
Sent 2:08am
Bold of you to assume I'm going to pose for a picture.
Sent 2:08am
Bold of you to assume I'm going to take one with your knowledge.
Sent 2:08am
You're evil.
Sent 2:08am
I prefer the term smooth.
Sent 2:10am
Sure thing T, whatever you say. How's my contact name going?
Sent 2:11am
Can't figure it out, maybe I need to go on a drunken adventure like you last night to accidentally come up with one.
Sent 2:11am

The second she says that I smile, only I realise I've smiled bigger than what I already was. There's something about her that's comforting and familiar. When I met her today I had no intention of taking any step too far, she's my coach's daughter and that is another mess in itself. But she helped me, and I feel I owe her kindness.

(Wyatt) Don't go accidentally texting the wrong number making a new best friend.. then I really will explode.
Sent 2:12am
Hahaha I don't think I could replace my wrong number boy, only enough room in my contacts for one.
Sent 2:13am
You were right about Derek, he invited to show me around and I agreed because I panicked.
Sent 2:13am
Want me to talk to him? Tell him to ease off a little?
Sent 2:14am
Even though I know he's given up.
(T) I think he'll ease off when he realises we never exchanged numbers.
Sent 2:14am
Haha clever. But seriously though, I can tell him T?
Sent 2:15am
It's okay, if I run into him again I'll let him down gently hahah.
Sent 2:15am
I wouldn't worry too much, he's got someone else on his mind that he forgets about.
Sent 2:16am
Poor thing. I noticed not much has changed around here since I left. Just new restaurants and shops.
Sent 2:16am

I hesitate for a few minutes on how to ask what I want to ask. I want to take her out. I want us to hang out. But I don't want it to be a date. I don't want to lead her on. But I could see it in her eyes today. She had a certain sadness and loneliness. I doubt her friends would be still here and most likely at colleges and I know how much Coach McCoy is at the rink so I highly doubt he's home with her. After re typing over 17 times I finally conjured up an idea to offer her.

(Wyatt) Alright, I have a challenge for you. Go for a drive around town, note the places that are new you haven't been to and we'll make a bucket list to tick off.
Sent 2:19am
Slight problem. Being that I just got home from college and my Dad is never home. I don't have a car. Only my grandparents but it's for when I really need it.
Sent 2:19am
Shit, I knew I was right about her Dad not being home. Sounds like she only has one driving option.
(Wyatt) I will happily be your tour guiding chauffeur.
Sent 2:19am
When are you free?
Sent 2:20am
I blow out a quick breath in a relief form yet I have anxiety, anxiety of excitement. It's only for a second. But I feel it in my gut as quickly as I push it down.
(Wyatt) I have training tomorrow over lunch time, I'll be ready from 3pm?
Sent 2:21am
Should know that. I'm taking pictures again tomorrow.
Sent 2:21am
Oh. God.
(Wyatt) Again? Didn't get enough of my hungover face?
Sent 2:22am
Sent 2:22am
I'm still smiling.
(Wyatt) I'll go home then head back and pick you up from your place.
Sent 2:23am
Can't wait.
Sent 2:23am
We should go to sleep, considering we both have to be up in 6 hours and I think you could use a good night's sleep.
Sent 2:24am
You are right, clearly late nights don't exist whenever I text you.
Sent 2:25am
Sounds like that's a non explosive time frame for you.
Sent 2:26am
A small chuckle escapes me and the warming feeling is in my chest again.
(Wyatt) You may be right, but that information is also highly classified.
Sent 2:26am
Hahaha. Thank you for keeping my mind occupied. I guess I'll see you tomorrow.
Sent 2:27am
Yes you will. Goodnight T
Sent 2:28am
Sweet dreams Wyatt.
Sent 2:28am
I put my phone on charge and sit it on my bedside table. I roll over to face the wall in my bed. I take a deep breath in and it flutters, I slowly blow it out and close my eyes. For the first time in a very long time, I close my eyes with ease and I drift off to sleep.

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