Chapter 8

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After driving around with Wyatt for the last few hours and thanks to an accidental nap, I've never had so much energy. I've never gone on a drive with someone just for the fun of it and basically on a tour of the town. There was something fun and comfortable about it, I didn't feel awkward and he was so wonderful to talk to. Everything was easy. The friendships I used to have were a lot of Bryson's old friends, friends who only hung around me because I come from a little money and popularity when I don't care for it. The only one I still talk to every day is Ivy and she will always be the winner. I do wish she was here, but maybe I won't be so alone after all. Knowing I don't have to do any filming or photography tomorrow, I take the opportunity of a late-ish night to stay up and finish the profiles so I have the night free tomorrow night for dinner with Dad. As much as we don't have the best relationship, he is still trying to make an effort so I have to do the same. I've never been a priority to him since Mom passed, she always put in the effort and time with me and still worked her ass off. She deserved more time than what she was given.
I throw my hair up into a messy bun and sit down at my desk by the window and turn my computer on. Before I even attempt to make a start my phone vibrates next to me.

(Wyatt) Just letting you know I got home safe and I didn't explode.
Sent 10:40pm

I let out a smile and realise he messaged me really quickly, is he still here? I stand up to look outside my window and his car is nowhere to be seen.

(T) Are you hiding behind my house or did you speed home?
Sent 10:40pm

(Wyatt) Definitely not, I only do that after the 3rd date.
Sent 10:41pm

(T) A date you say?
Sent 10:42pm

(Wyatt) Whoops my bad.. A drive. After the 3rd drive.
(Wyatt) But, in fact you're only 10 minutes away from me.
Sent 10:42pm

(T) So basically you could spy on me whenever you wanted to?
Sent 10:43pm

(Wyatt) You're really blowing my cover on all of my tricks you know?
Sent 10:43pm

(T) As long as I know all of yours and you know nothing of mine, we're all good here.
Sent 10:44pm

(Wyatt) Just remember, I know where you live.
Sent 10:45pm

I shake my head and the corners of my mouth turn up a little, I sit my phone down. I put my focus back to my computer, I play my favourite music to drown out the silence and start going through each player's profile that I have left to touch up. I don't have much to do, thankfully a lot of the boys have filled out all the profile sheets correctly and I've only got a little bit to change and edit. I take a bit of time out to send through some of my sample shots to my teacher for the assignment, at the end of it we need to write out an essay on what we see and how it makes us feel while we're doing this, the positives and negatives, what we found easy and difficult. What's easier for me is to send in what I've done so far so I know I'm on the right track, that way I don't hand in too much all at once, only to find out I've been doing it wrong. At the end of my degree one person from my class is picked out for a job opportunity, mainly based on what they write about but also their photography skills, I won't know until the end of the year what job I'll be aiming for, but if it lands me somewhere amazing to keep doing what I love, I won't question it. I still haven't read the entire assignment to know exactly what I need to write about. I haven't even made a start on it yet. Because the thing is, I only like taking pictures. But the problem with my degree is I have to learn about using photography in any type of field, which means having to write about it. So they know what I'm thinking when I do everything, it makes sense it's just really annoying. My teacher's are never going to read my mind, so of course I can never just take pictures for the fun of it and hand it to them hoping to pass on the assignment. Including ones like this, an example if I were writing a piece for a magazine, where it's information you're giving an audience to catch their attention about what you've captured and the point of it, the moment you've caught, the candid that you didn't mean to take but it turned out really good.

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