Chapter 1

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3am and I'm still awake, I'm laying down only bed yet my head feels like it's spinning a million miles an hour, I think it was about 1am when the boys put me in the cab and sent me home, I kept slurring my ex girlfriends name and wanted more shots. Derek said no, my roommate and best friend said no. I went out in hoping it would cheer me up, keep my brain busy. That was until I saw the guy she cheated on me with, Bryson Zander. Jack ass. I was going to go up and pick a fight with him, the boys reminded me to save it for the ice, not worth getting kicked off the team over him or Charlotte. Charlotte and I were coming to the end though, I knew it was coming. Which didn't make sense because I thought ending things would not make it hurt more, but when she practically danced it in my face that she was with him I was crushed. I thought I loved her, or maybe I loved the idea of being the team captain dating the top champion figure skater in Wisconsin. We didn't even make it to a year, it was 10 months when it ended, 9 months when she turned into a self absorbed person, so selfish and nasty. I don't even think she asked about my day, just complained about hers. After going over the bullshit in my head, I get up to get some water, it's struggle from the bedroom to the kitchen. I fill up the glass and I take a seat on the couch and have a drink, I see my phone on the coffee table in front of me, I should call her. No, I shouldn't. But I could text her. Ugh I don't have her number anymore.. "Thanks Derek.." I say out loud, it's times like these is why he deleted her from everything on my phone. I honestly think I could remember it if I tried. "715...974.. 1989?" I repeat it out loud a few times, it's right it has to be. I've seen her write it down so many times whenever she had to fill out her competition sheets for sectionals. At first I didn't know what to say, I'm just angry. She thinks she knows and what is best for me, she doesn't care at all. She dangled it in my face with no remorse and blamed myself for her actions. It's the first serious relationship I've had where I had to start thinking about the future. It was after we broke up I realised I never thought about my future with her in it, I just pictured me and what I wanted, it was just me.
Before I know it I'm typing the words out and it just flows, it probably helps that I'm drunk because it just comes out with no filter, although it probably doesn't help that I'm drunk, I honestly don't care anymore. I'm probably better off on my own anyway, I need to be focused for hockey games, and if I want to be up there with the best I have to focus without her.
She's focused without me.
I type out what I truly think of her and how I despise her. I hate her for making me feel this way. As soon as I have everything written I hit send. I hope it makes her feel bad, I hope it makes her regret it. Ugh I hate this so much, as if I even feel like this. What a waste of time. I slowly stumble back into bed and curl up in the covers, as soon as I get comfortable I hear Derek walk in the front door and throws his keys on the bench, I can hear his boots clunking louder towards my room, I stay still and pretend to be asleep while he creeps open the door a tad to check in, he closes it slowly and once I hear the lock click I fall straight back into sleep.


I wake up not even an hour later needing to vomit, not even surprised at the amount of tequila shots I had and I hate Tequila.. I sit down and park myself next to the toilet with my elbows to my knees and my face in my hands. I hear a light knock on the bathroom door but I don't look up, I know it's Derek. "You good man?"
He sits downs near me waiting for me to respond, I just groan and he chuckles slightly.
"I texted her" He just sighs at me, handing me a bottle of water he brought in.
"Yeah I figured you would, I thought you deleted her number?"
"I did, I remembered it somehow"
"Dude, you gotta let it go man, she turned into an ugly person and you deserve better than that, I don't know why she's got you so mad" He has a point, I don't know why it's got me so mad, she's the first girlfriend I've had for a few years though, I put everything into hockey instead of girls and she trained in the same rink as me, I thought she was cool but she's just a bitch.
"I don't man, I'm not even sad, I'm just annoyed and frustrated, mostly at myself"
"What for? Who cares dude, I told you from the start she was going to be a pain in your ass, you barely saw her though, I don't even think you guys went out on any dates you just hung out whenever you felt like it" he might be harsh with the tough love, but sometimes it's needed. "Ah no there was one date and it sucked because she whined about her issues all night rather than enjoy the time we were having, that was actually when I noticed she was different, she was rude to the waitstaff all night and accused me of flirting with the waitress at the front" I drink some of the water and eventually look at him.
"Were you?"
"Yep, at least I got a smile out of a waitress I didn't know in 30 seconds unlike Charlotte screwing her face up at me all night" He chuckles at me some more and shakes his head. "Wyatt man you need to go back to bed" I put my head back against the wall making it thump groaning some more. "I will in a bit, I don't want to throw up in my room incase there's more I'm just going to chill for a bit"
"Alright, I'm gonna go back to bed, I have company" Assuming that would Sophia, he smirks at me as he gets up heading to the door "Derek if I hear you all night-"
"You won't.. or you might, who knows" he chuckles as he shuts the door and leaves.
I stare up at the wall for about 5 minutes just trying to recollect myself and gather my thoughts. Then my phone vibrates on the bathroom bench, my heart suddenly jolts realising it's Charlotte replying to me. I'm already regretting what I said, I don't know what time it is but I'm confused why she would be awake cause she rarely goes out but then I think maybe she's training early this morning, she's always up around this time. I struggle to get up and reach for my phone, I finally get a hold of it and slump back down on the floor. I haven't looked at the screen or unlocked it. I replay in my head the words Derek's just said to me, it really doesn't matter anymore, she doesn't matter anymore. I meant what I said even if I am just mad at myself for getting into a relationship during hockey season. I turn my phone over and finally unlock it to read the message, only to realise as I finish reading it.
It's not Charlotte. 

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