Chapter 11

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You can imagine my surprise when Tate texted me asking to still come to the party. I haven't asked her about it yet, but I'm assuming her Dad blew her off again. It's so disappointing to hear how he is as a Dad when as a coach I respect him. I've always thought highly of him and he's the best coach I've ever had. If the friendship between Tate and I is really going to progress, I don't know how to find a common ground between the two. Where I don't say or take anything to far to upset the other. I wouldn't want to draw a line between the two, but it would be a fine line to pick one or the other. I respond to her in the only way that I know would make her smile.

(Wyatt) Only if you tell me what colour shirt to wear tonight, because I think I'm having my first wardrobe crisis.
Sent 6:00pm

I'm really not. I never have one of those. But, as long as it cheers her up. I'm all for a little white lie.

(T) I find that very hard to believe, go black. You can match with me.
Sent 6:01pm

(Wyatt) Done deal, just don't show up hotter than me.
Sent 6:02pm

(T) I guarantee you, I won't.
Sent 6:03pm

(Wyatt) Don't be ridiculous. Do you need a ride?
Sent 6:03pm

(T) I might get my grandparents to drop me off, can you send me the address?
Sent 6:04pm

(Wyatt) 1725 Cornelia Street, text me if you want me to come out the front and get you but you're welcome to come straight in. I'll be there at 8pm.
Sent 6:05pm

(T) See you soon Wyatt.
Sent 6:05pm

(Wyatt) Can't wait.
Sent 6:05pm

Not a lie. I haven't seen her for a couple of days. Whatever it is that's come over me in a few days, I like being in her presence and now that she's coming, I'm excited.


I'm sitting on the couch waiting for Tate to arrive. The thought of her Dad bailing on her again keeps me questioning him. I know I'm meant to respect my coach but it's obvious he puts other things before her for whatever reason. I know I don't know the full story about what happened with her mum and I didn't want to pry the other night, if she wanted to tell me what happened, she would. But something tells me she was a lot closer with her than her Dad. This man that's meant to be her biggest protector and supporter can't even have dinner with her. Quietly, it's quite pathetic. I've never had that problem with my parents, they've always been there and I've never questioned their love for me. Elliot's someone I know who has had problems with his family his whole life. I've been there so many nights beside him, for the longest time he's never felt like he was enough, one night he got so emotional he was so thankful for all of us boys, he was grateful to have us in his life like a family, someone always showing him a way to do things, teach him new things and always supporting him. He got to pick his family. Now he's working and playing a sport he loves and can support himself through anything and come out on top. It's upsetting but he has nothing to do with his parents anymore and it's probably for his best interest that he doesn't. My thoughts and feelings of reminisce and gloom are in and out of focus with the party. There's quite a few people here but all the boys I know are around me but they're all making their own conversations. Apparently I've been stuck in my thoughts long enough when Kylo sits down next to me and interrupts bringing me back into reality.
"Your girls here" He throws one arm over me resting it on the back of the couch, I roll my head to look at his and see the smuggest grin on his face.
'My girl' he believes.
"She's not my girl dumbass, we're friends" He chuckles in disagreement. I look up to scan across the room in between the crowd for her assuming she would be in my view or near the front door but I can't see her.
"Why'd you invite her then?"
"Because, we became friends and she doesn't have many of those so I thought she could be friends with me, and maybe with you guys." He raises his eyebrows nodding his head to my answer. He doesn't seem opposed to the idea, then again I think he has other ideas in mind about the whole thing. I'm still looking around the door area from the couch, she couldn't have gotten far. This place is packed with people.
"So if she's not your girl you don't mind her getting cosy with the guy she's talking to" He points in a direction with his beer bottle and I follow it to the open kitchen. That's when I see her, she's smiling and whatever he's saying I'm too far away to hear. I'm almost trying to make out the words he's mouthing. She's giving her prettiest smile that I've known about for the last 4 days. He leans close to her ear to whisper something. Her face lights up and an even bigger smile takes over her face. How can he make her smile like that? How does she know him? Shit, is he boyfriend or a almost boyfriend? Have I got this whole situationship wrong? I mustn't be playing this off all cool and collected as I thought, because I feel Kylo watching me, he sees the look on my face scoffing at me.
"Dude go get her, before you lose her."
I'm about to turn to him to tell him he's wrong, she's not my girl, it's not like that. But, I see T and the guy hug each other, which causes a rush of irritation to rupture through my body and I abruptly stand up from the couch making my way towards her. Nothing stops me from moving closer to them quickly, I just move. This can't be jealousy in the pit of me. It has to be anything else. My focus shifts to her and she looks amazing. Her long black skinny jeans that fit to her legs perfectly, I never noticed the curves in her hips that draw my eyes up to her silky black top with the thinnest straps gently sitting on her shoulders and I can't help but stare at how nice her skin is, finally my eyes follow up to her face as my gaze and her golden eyes finally meet. I can't deny it, she looks so beautiful.
"Wyatt! This is Austin"
Austin. He looks oddly familiar. I can't place it, it's something about his face. But he is familiar. He holds out his hand to shake, being the gentleman I am, I shake it. "Tate and I were just catching up. She used to date a repulsive relative of mine." Ok, so I can rule out a potential boyfriend. I watch her laugh off the comment as if it doesn't bother her, but I get the feeling it did. Repulsive doesn't sound like it had a happy story to it. "It was good to see you again Austin, please tell Madelaine I said hi and keep me updated on how it goes" On how what goes? Who's Madelaine? God. Get. It. Together. "Of course, she'll be so jealous I saw you." After they hug goodbye, she turns around to the kitchen bench pointing to the mixers and bottles on the counter giving me a look of asking for permission to just take, I nod my head and she grabs a drink, while her back is turned he glances at me, giving half a smile and mouths "look after her." I stupidly nod back still not 100% sure who he is. Tate turns back to face me, she looks up with the softest smile and reaches out to hug me, I embrace her in my arms and the damn vanilla scent makes me close my eyes and breathe out a sigh of release. After witnessing that attentive conversation, I have questions I'm afraid to ask. But I turn to Tate and ask them anyway.
"So, Austin's related to an ex hey? Was that a bit weird for you? " She's making a drink of some sorts, putting some of the mixers together, tasting them, screwing her face up and trying again. "Yes and no, he's nothing like his cousin though, his girlfriend Madelaine was always the sweetest to me."
Girlfriend. Cool, possible boyfriend has truly been ruled out. I keep watching her try and make a drink and not liking it so I grab the bottles from her hands "Let me" Judging by what liquor she picked up I'm guessing the flavours she likes is fruity, so I make something out of it hoping it'll be more to her liking. "So.. your ex, he wasn't a good guy?" She sighs looking down at her hands on the bench waiting for me to put a drink in them.
"No not really" she pauses
"He was quite the actor, and by actor I mean liar" I want to chuckle at the comment but I look at her with concern as I hand her the drink "He sounds like a dick" my voice is harsh. "Oh yeah, he is." So many questions are banging back and forth in my mind it's beginning to hurt. I don't try to overstep my boundaries or cross a line but she doesn't seem overly uncomfortable talking about it. "Dare I ask why? Wait, sorry that was rude you don't have to tell me anything" Her hand reaches out to my bicep and I follow her until she holds it there for a second. Her way of letting me know it's okay. Her touch is so light.
"He knew my name." It comes out so softly, almost too quiet to be heard in this house full of voices and music. Looking up at me I can see a little discomfort in her eyes now. He knew her name? I don't know what that means exactly but I can tell there's something hiding behind it. I back off from the questions and leave it for another time. She skulls the rest of her drink making a little moan, sounded like she enjoyed it. "Damn T, did you like that?" She puts the cup in my hand "Please, make me another. What on earth is in there?!" I throw everything in again and instead of watching me make it so she knows for next time, she keeps her eyes on me waiting for a reply. I turn my head to her and bring the drink back to her, she sips it slowly this time and moans again. Hate to admit it, but the little moan that comes out of her mouth is a little too nice to hear. "If I tell you then you'll keep making them behind my back, can't have you trying to drink me under the table"
"I don't know if I could go that far, my tolerance is pretty strong." Her confidence doesn't have me convinced, the smile I give her makes her laugh, she knows I don't believe her. "Come meet the rest of the team properly, my better halves" She waits for me to walk, but I hold one arm out for her to lead as I slide one hand gently on her lower back so she knows I'm close behind, keeping my fingertips gently on her back directing her body in the right direction, we get into the living room where I see quite literally all of the boys. "Boys, be nice, this is Tate" I hold out my hand in front of her as they all say hey, Derek goes to say something but I give him a glance before he opens his mouth. "That's Derek who you unfortunately met on the phone last night" He has a small laugh and Tate interrupts it "Oh so that's the robot you mentioned?" She points to him tilting her head and I've never seen Derek look so defeated, he holds his arms out in defeat and smiles at the response. The rest of boys say ooo in unison. "That's Elliot, August the birthday man of the hour"
"Happy birthday" she says "Thank you" He replies. I point over to the other two. "That's Heath, and this is the shortest of them all Kylo" He rolls his eyes at me making the rest of us chuckle "You know this short ass can run circles around you" he has a point, but only in training. "August, I'm off man" A body makes its way past me to shake hands with August when I realise it's Austin who Tate spoke to earlier. I keep my guard close to her not wanting to create distance without being obvious. He turns to face her holding a hand on her shoulder "See you later" She gives him a wistful smile as he walks away and I'm watching him, hopefully with a relaxed look on my face. Waves of relief ease me and the feeling of nervousness breaks loose from me.
"Oi Zander, your keys" Heath grabs them from the coffee table beside him and tosses them across the room.

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