Chapter 28

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I've never been fully naked in front of someone until I met Wyatt. After our little talk we laid down in the back kissing for ages. My lips might honestly fall off if we kiss any longer.

We make the decision to drive back to the cabin where it's warmer and a lot more comfortable. He rubs his hand along my thigh as we drive back, I look over at him and he looks back over at me with a grin like the devil. "You're killing me baby"

By the time we get back it's almost 1:30am, it's a lot warmer in here with the fire we left on. He tosses his jacket on the floor, taking off mine and leading me to the bedroom. I've had sex before, and I've felt nervous before but not like this. My entire body being out for him to see, me seeing his. It's so much more. He picks up on it pretty quick, standing in front of me before slowly taking a step forward grazing my finger tips with his, I look down at our hands before he brings his free hand to my chin pulling it up to look at him. I think I forgot how to breathe.

"Are you nervous?" He kisses my cheek.

"Y-yes" He kisses my other cheek. He holds his gaze on me.

"I want you to feel safe. I want you to be comfortable. You're allowed to be nervous. But you don't have to do anything you don't want to do. Above everything else, I want you to feel good" I barely make a word out and just nod my head to him.

"Do you feel safe right now?" He asks

"Of course" He nods

"Do you feel comfortable?"

"Not with all of my clothes on" He smirks until he slowly takes off my cardigan. Exposing my white T shirt underneath, he pulls out from being tucked in my blue jeans. Gently tugging on the hem of my jeans pulling them down to my ankles, holding his shoulders as I get my feet out of them. He goes to take off my shirt but I hold out my hand stopping him, telling him I'm not ready for to be completely naked in front of him yet. He kisses me, taking us shirt off tossing it on the floor. We kiss our way to the bed before he lays me down on my back. "You are the prettiest girl in my world darling". He runs his hands over my legs before he lowers his body down, kissing in between my thighs and eventually kissing and licking right in my middle. My back arches up as my hand runs over his head gripping onto his hair, I'm already running out of breath. He moans right onto me, vibrating my skin making me moan louder. I look down to see his eyes smiling at me with wickedness. He brings one hand away from my legs using his fingers with his tongue. He doesn't stop dipping his fingers in, and out, in and out again as he brings his head slowly to look at me.

"You're so fucking pretty, and you taste so good" I hear every word, but I can't even open my eyes from how good it feels, I'm completely lost in a trance.

"Can't you talk to me anymore?" I shake my head slowly as my mouth is gaped.

"Is it that good?" I can hear the slight chuckle in his breath as he asks the question, he pushes his fingers in deeper, sending shivers over my entire body.

"Oh my god I'm-" I can't even get the words out before I finish. His breath laughs against my skin still with his head close. He pulls his fingers away and back onto his knees, looking down on me as I slowly open my eyes to find him hovering waiting for me to fully see him.

"You okay princess?" I smile and nod my head at him. Honestly the rest of the in betweens is a blur. It's only until he reaches over to his bag beside the bed and pulls out a condom my entire body freezes. He starts to tear it before he looks down to see the horror on my face. He stops and levels with me before he continues.

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