Chapter 14

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I don't think I've come across anyone so gorgeous as Tate. I watched her entire face beam up at me when she asked about my drawings, which blew me away because no one's really taken as much notice of them as what she did. Charlotte knew that I could draw, but she never complimented or took any interest in it. She always assumed I traced the pictures off of my computer or printed copies out and finished the rest off. But she was wrong. It's completely from my mind. I'm not going to do some ridiculous tracing and colour them in with coloured markers later on and pretend I'm an artist. Up until today no one has really seen them, or at least taken the time to gawk at them and tell me how amazing they are. It blew me away, because I could see it on her face she wasn't lying, she was genuinely blown away by them. Not to get cocky but I know I can draw, but I don't express my creativity to the world. I normally keep it locked up in the corner of my room because no one's really going to come in here and it's less pressure knowing I can gatekeep this one thing about myself.
She's standing right in front of me as I process the kindness that comes from her, god she's beautiful. I can feel the corners of my mouth turning up slowly, my mouth is closed but I'm giving her a smile that makes her face soften.
"What is it?" Quietly she whispers.
"Nothing" I hold my smile and my gaze on her as I watch her mouth try to hold back a grin. Her head falls down a little dropping her gaze from me and something in my body prompts me to lift her chin up bringing those deep brown eyes back on me. I focus closer in on her face like she did my drawings, I take in every feature. The brown eyes that have gold flecks shimmer from the lamp behind me, the few dark freckles across her face which you wouldn't know were there unless you were this close. The way her lashes curl up and how soft her skin is just sitting on one finger. I place my thumb just above my finger on her chin ever so lightly, I move her head to one side and then to the other. Her smile shows and that smile could break your heart and still keep it beating. "What are you doing?" She lightly giggles.
"Just seeing if I could draw you" My fingers drop from her chin.
She raises an eyebrow "Do you need to remember what I look like?"
"Oh you have a very memorable face, I just want something to look at when you're not around" Her smile fades and my eyes are drawn to her chest rising heavily with every breath. I draw my focus back up to her. My very two fingers that held her chin graze against her hand hanging by her side, her hand twitches but she doesn't pull it back.
"Wyatt" she whispers
"There's a fine line in this friendship Tate, and I'm about to cross it"
"So cross it" It happens so fast, I don't waste any time bringing my hands up to cup her cheeks and I kiss her. I drag my fingers across the back of her head and into her hair. She's kissing me back, so deeply. Her tongue passes my lips and I grip onto her strands a little tighter. Her hands are sitting on my waist and I feel her fingertips gripping onto my shirt. She tastes so sweet, like honey. Honey glazed on honey kind of sweet. We pull apart from each other for a moment, her lips are parted, the blood rushing to her plumped lips turn a crimson red.
Our chest rise and fall heavily as my forehead rests on hers, my eyes close. I need more.
"Can I do that again?" Before I can continue catching my breath, she brings her head back up and dives in. I lower my hands down to the side of her thighs while she's kissing me, I pick her up and wrap her legs around my waist and I walk to my desk sitting her on top of it. My hands are through her hair, her hands are wrapped around my neck. My hands move down and dance over her waist, while her legs stay bound and locked around my legs. My rule has definitely been crumbled up and tossed into the trash. I don't want to fuck this up. I don't want to move too fast, because no matter how good she tastes and extraordinary she feels. I can't let myself get hurt again.
"I can't hurt you Tate, I don't want to" Her hands fall slowly from the hold of my neck down to my arms where she holds my hands and I already know she's going to be the end of me. "What do you want then?" She's almost pouting at me, she looks terrified. She looks how I feel.
"If you don't hurt me, you can have me" She doesn't know the half of what I've had to deal with, but then again. I don't know anything about her. "What do you want?" I ask hesitantly. "Up until yesterday, nothing. But now? Something keeps me pulled to you like a magnetic force and I can't stop it" She pauses "Even if I wanted to"
"Will you stay? Tonight?" She doesn't say anything for a moment, and I suddenly think I've asked too much, almost as if I've asked for her to stay for something more than kissing, but honestly? I just want to know she's really here. That she's real and didn't dream this up. I don't want to lose anymore time. She finally nods her head. "I won't touch you if you don't want me to" She smiles at my words and my anxiety settles.
God what am I going to do..
She slowly reaches her arms up around my neck pulling herself down from the desk, her legs slide right down my middle and I'll admit, I'll be damned if I didn't feel that go straight through me to my pants. So I back up, holding out my hand like I always do and I bring her to my bed. "We don't have to talk right now, but we should talk" She stops me halfway still holding onto my hand, I nod and her feet start moving again. I want to enjoy this moment and never let it go, but I know the situation between us is delicate and considering now we know what kind of people we were last with I don't blame either of us for feeling apprehensive. "Do you want to talk T?" We sit down on the end of the bed facing each other, our legs crossed, creating a little distance between us and I hate it.
"A little"
"Tell me all about it then" I grab her hands and hold them in my lap waiting for her to speak. "I know you're not Bryson, I know you're a different person. I just have incredible trust issues when it comes to intimacy, I haven't even been on a proper date since." She stops "Actually the only kind of date I've really had where I felt safe was on our drive" I went from concerned to warmth in my chest to a pinging in my heart all at once. "We can have plenty more of them" I say. Immediately wanting to sell my soul if it meant I can keep her safe for the rest of her life. Knowing she's never felt protected.
"I would love them. I think it's just the not knowing but I can't predict everything" She's not wrong there, which keeps my worries in check.
"I know you're not Charlotte, thank god. I know you're a much better person. But I won't lie in saying if I can't do everything right by you, I'll wound up paying for it" Her hand cups my cheek and she shakes her head. "We've both been burnt, from the same situation by two unpleasant people. I'm not going to expect the world from you" She's wrong, because I already know I would move mountains for her.
"I think I could try to give it to you anyway"
She leans over kissing my cheek "Slow dance with me" my eyes go wide "I am not dancing" I state, she chuckles "I mean, baby steps but more of a slow dance. One that doesn't have to end, we can enjoy the moments. See where it takes us, we don't have to rush anything"
For the first time in so long, it makes sense and I don't question it. I'll slow dance with her until the world burns down. I kiss her again and again and again. I don't even want to do anything else other than kiss her right now. I can't get enough of the taste of her lips. I can't stop thinking about what she said, she can't trust anyone. All because of some repulsive pig who treated her like garbage and I don't even know what he did to make him do that to her, Charlotte is just as bad. They deserve each other. And I'll be damned if I don't break my back to protect from anything evil like that again.

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