Chapter 42

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"Phoenix we have to go, baby!" Chris yelled. "I'm coming!!" I yelled back, wiping my face with a towel carefully in hopes that I didn't just ruin my makeup because there was no time to fix it. "Phee!"

I quickly fixed my earrings before walking out to him. We were on our way to an Avengers cast dinner a few nights before the premiere. To be honest, I didn't really want to go. I didn't feel good. "Okay, okay, calm down." I walked up to him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before being led out to the Uber that was waiting.

The car dropped us off at a restaurant that had been rented out for the cast and Chris quickly led me inside. I felt my stomach doing flip flops as we walked up to a few of his costars. "Phoenix!" Robert pulled me into a bone crushing hug and kissed my cheek. "It's so good to see you!" I smiled at him and kept my arms around his waist. "How have you been?" He asked. "Good. Really, really good." Minus the seemingly never ending nausea. "And this? Why was I not informed about this?? Evans??!" Robert picked up my hand, inspecting the diamond ring. "I was planning to tell everyone tonight!" Chris said, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. Robert narrowed his eyes at Chris for a moment. "You're right! I should have told you sooner." Chris laughed.

"Damn right." Robert pulled him into a hug before taking my hand and pulling me through the restaurant. "Ah! Phoenix!" Hemsworth stood up from his chair and walked over to me quickly. "So good to see you little Johansson!" He pulled me into another tight hug. God it's like I can feel my stomach moving around. I greeted the rest of the cast and their significant others along with the Russo brothers, Kevin Feige, and a few other important crew / producer type people. 

I ended up sandwiched between Chris and Scarlett and across from Robert and Bradley.

Dinner was served shortly after but the aroma of different foods was definitely fucking with me. "I'm gonna run to the bathroom." I whispered to Chris. He smiled and nodded and I quickly walked to the bathroom. I pushed open a stall and leaned over the toilet.

"Hey? Are you alright?" I coughed slightly and gave the person a weak thumbs up. "Here, let me help." They walked into the stall and held my hair out of my face and handed me a wet paper towel. "Thank you." I mumbled. I sat back, seeing none other than Zoe Saldana. "Sorry." I laughed slightly and she smiled warmly at me. "Don't be silly. Are you feeling alright?" She asked. "I just haven't felt very good all day today. Must have been something I ate last night when Chris and I got in town."

She pulled a little tin out of her purse and offered me a mint. "Thank you." "Of course." She helped me up and I quickly washed my hands and walked out of the restroom with her.

"You okay?" Chris asked. I nodded and kissed his cheek. "Perfect." He went back to his conversation with Hemsworth and I turned to Scarlett. "Can you come by the studio tomorrow?" I whispered so Chris wouldn't hear. "Yea why?"

"I think I need you to bring me something..."


"Midnights? Why the name Midnights?" Nate asked as I presented them some of the songs I had written. "Because I wrote them at midnight...duh?" He huffed and flipped through the pages. "They're good, Phee, as always." James handed me the notebook back and I smiled at them.

"Let's get started!"

We started recording a few songs including Lover, Midnight Rain, Anti-Hero, Rainbow, All of the Girls You've Loved Before, Angels Like You, and Lavender Haze. I guess I went a little crazy writing songs. But when inspiration strikes, you write.

We were halfway through recording Midnight Rain when I abruptly stopped and ran into the restroom to throw up what was breakfast this morning. Fuck. I sat back against the stall door until a knock brought me out of my thoughts. "Yea?" "It's James. Can I come in?" "Yea." I replied and stepped towards the sink where I splashed some water in my mouth.

Ashes (Chris Evans)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora