Chapter 35

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My next few shows were in Chicago, DC, and Virginia and they all went really well. I did end up adding Praying to the set list because now that I've sung it so much...I didn't want some cities to feel left out. It was on track to be my next single and we would record it and put it out as soon as the tour ended.

My next show was in Nashville and we were currently on our way to sound check from the hotel. Chris was unaware, well everyone was except Ralph, that I was having a special guest joining me to debut a new song. That and Rosie, Scarlett, and Colin would be there.

"Kels!" I yelled as she walked into the stadium. She ran over to me and gave me a hug. "I'm so excited you're here!" "Me too! You're a genius. This was a great idea to coincide the launch of this song with your Nashville tour date. I'm so excited!" She gave me another hug and we pulled away. "Kels, this is Chris. Chris, this is Kelsea Ballerini." I introduced them and Chris held out his hand. "Nice to meet you." She gave me a look and I rolled my eyes. We both knew he probably wouldn't like the song, but it didn't matter. He was already mine and he wasn't going anywhere.

"Kelsea!" Ralph yelled as he walked towards the stage. "Good to see you! I'm pumped to hear this song tonight." Chris looked between us and I laughed. "When did you two record a song??"

"When I was in rehab." Chris nodded and remained quiet. I knew he didn't like talking about that because he still felt somewhat guilty for what happened. No matter how many times I assured him it wasn't and that it was inevitable anyway with how I was living my life. "Well, anyway, it's going to be great tonight. No one knows yet and this will be a huge surprise. Kels, I've spoken to your manager and he's on his way." She nodded and we chatted for a little bit until I had to complete soundcheck. Kelsea stood to the side chatting with Ralph and Chris until I was done.

"Phee, you sound amazing!" She gushed. "Thank you!" I pulled her into another hug. "Hello!!" Scarlett yelled as she and Colin walked into the stadium with Rose. I smiled and watched as Scarlett set Rose down, who promptly took off running towards me. I jumped off the stage and met her part of the way, lifting her up and into the air. "Hi Rosie!" I pulled her into my arms and she smiled, running her fingers through my hair. "Are you excited for tomorrow night?" I asked. "Yes!! You are my favorite voice." She said. "Aww, thank you Rosie." I kissed her cheek and walked back towards Chris, Ralph, and Kelsea who had also come off of the stage.

"Rosie, I want you to meet a friend of mine...this is Kelsea."

"Hi, Rose, it's so good to meet you." Kelsea gave her a warm smile and Rose blushed and hid her face in my neck. She was slightly shy. "Go say hi to Chris." I said, setting her down and watching her skip towards Chris. "Uncle Chris! Up!" She raised her arms and he picked her up. I smiled as I watched her poke his beard. "This wasn't here before, Uncle Chris."

"Rosie, it's always been there." He laughed. "No. Off."

"Rose, you don't like his beard?" I asked and she shook her head. "No." She crossed her arms across her chest and pouted. "Well I'm so sorry princess, I'll get rid of it just for you." He winked at her and she smiled. He did not miss the glare I was giving him though. He was not about to shave his beard for a 4 year old. I don't care if she's used to seeing him as Captain America with a clean shave, I like the beard and it's staying.

I looked back to Kelsea, "So, I'll see you tomorrow?" "Yes ma'am! I'm so excited!" We embraced one more time before we went our separate ways.

Chris was still holding Rose as we walked hand in hand back to the car. She had told Scarlett she wanted to ride back with us, to which Scarlett wasn't about to argue because she would have likely thrown a tantrum. "So do I get to hear this new song?" Chris asked.

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