Chapter 24

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The next morning, Chris left for set and I was sitting in the living room with Dodger waiting for Lisa to pick me up. I was excited. I never really got this experience before. After our mom died, Scarlett and I never had the time. Then she left for LA. 

Lisa rang the doorbell and I got up, grabbing the extra key Chris gave me to lock up. "Good morning!" Lisa smiled at me as I locked the door behind me. "Shanna and Carly both had to work today, so sadly they can't join us." I nodded as we both got into the car. She drove us into downtown Boston and to a cute breakfast place called 'The Friendly Toast'.

After a nice brunch Lisa and I went to get our nails done. "Thank you for inviting me out, Lisa. I've never really done this before." I admitted.

"You never went out for girls days with your mom or Scarlett?" She asked. I looked down at my hands as my nails were currently being refilled. "No." I said softly. "My um, my mom died when I was 7 and Scarlett was 14."

"Oh gosh, Phoenix. I'm so sorry sweetheart." I felt her rest her hand on my arm and I gave her a small smile. "And then um my dad became an addict. I don't really like to talk about him. Scarlett had to get a job to provide for us both because he spent all of his money on alcohol and drugs. Then when she turned 18 she moved out for good to be an actress. I was 11." She listened carefully. I had never told anyone this story. The only ones who knew were Ralph and Scarlett. I just knew I could trust her. "Then once she had started being offered bigger roles, she came back. Forced my dad to sign over his guardian rights and took me to LA."

She gave me a warm smile. "I'm so sorry you had to deal with that sweetheart. I know losing your mom so young must have been hard. You still turned out to be such a strong woman. She would be so proud of you. I know it. Plus, I'm happy to give you all the girls days you want." She reached over and squeezed my free hand.

"Now, Chris has not stopped talking about you. He's been annoying the hell out of me." I laughed slightly as she changed the subject to something lighter. "I was happy when you guys got together. I've got to be honest, I love him, but when he initially told me about his feelings for you while he was still dating Jenny, I was extremely disappointed in how he handled the situation. He should never have put either of you in that position."

I smiled as she spoke. "You know, it actually took me a while before I spoke to him again. But even then he sent me fresh sunflowers every week." She smiled and looked back at me. "Good he deserved the silent treatment. I know I did not raise him to treat women like that." Lisa laughed. "But I will admit, he's so in love with you, Phoenix. I've never seen him this way with anyone."

Her comment made me smile and I let my mind wander to thoughts of Chris as we relaxed at the salon. Later we ended up going shopping until Chris texted me he was leaving set. "I've had such a great day, Lisa." I pulled her into a tight hug as we waited for Chris to arrive. "I'm glad I got to spend time with you and get to know you!" She replied.

Chris's car pulled up and he got out, giving him mom a hug. "Have a good time?" He asked. "Oh yea. Your mom gave me all the details of you as a kid and I've gotta say, you really made Scott pee in his pants in front of the babysitter?" "Ma!" He laughed. Lisa smiled and shrugged. "You were quite the prankster." She smiled at her son and he grabbed my hand. "Well thanks for divulging all of my secrets, we'll be going now." Chris and I each gave her one last hug before getting into his car.

"I love your mom." He looked over at me and smiled. "She loves you too. I think she likes you more than me." I laughed and he squeezed my hand. "You already know embarrassing stories about me as a kid from being friends with Scarlett and it's about time I heard more about yours." He laughed and pulled my hand up to his lips. "I don't know thatttt many about you. Just a few. Like the time you threw up on your boyfriend in the 10th grade when he asked you to the school dance with a song and dance in front of everyone." I gasped and slapped his arm. "I'm going to KILL her for telling you that!!" Chris started laughing loudly as I crossed my arms in front of my chest. "She was supposed to take that to her grave!" "Oh come on, Phee, it's funny." He was still laughing.

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