Chapter 36

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I was literally too stunned to speak. I stared blankly at her, unsure of what to even say right now. Did Colin know this? Why didn't she ever tell me? Why didn't Chris ever tell me?? What the actual fuck was going on. I feel sick.

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. "Please say something..." I looked over at Chris whose eyes were bouncing between Scarlett and I. "What's going on? You two??" Colin asked. So he didn't know? "Did you know about this?" I asked Colin. Colin's brows furrowed and he shook his head. Chris's face went pale as he looked at me. "Phoenix..."

"Don't fucking, Phoenix me." "Phee Phee, that's a no no word!" Rose said, glaring at me slightly. Shit. Rose. Fucking hell. "I can't be here right now. Don't follow me." I stood up and stormed out of the room, grabbing Chris's hat and throwing it on my head. Why the fuck did no one ever tell me that my sister and boyfriend have hooked up in the past. I'm sorry, was that not important fucking information. I screamed as I entered the elevator that took me down to the hotel lobby.

"I'm fucking out of here." I mumbled as I walked out of the revolving doors and stood next to the valet, eyeballing the man standing outside smoking a cigarette. "Can I bum one of those off of you?" I asked. "Holy shit. You're Phoenix Johansson. Of course you can have a cig." He pulled one out and handed it to me before lighting it. "Thanks." I let out a puff of smoke and groaned as the paparazzi clocked me quickly. God it's like they were just hovering around because they knew we were here.

"There goes my moment of peace..." I mumbled. They ran over towards me, keeping their distance on the sidewalk.

"Phoenix, over here!"

"Phoenix, talk to us about your album!"

"Phoenix, what was it like in rehab!"

Phoenix. Phoenix. Phoenix. Phoenix.....I screamed loudly and kicked the trash can causing it to fall. "Get the fuck away from me!" I yelled. "I don't have the energy for this fucking bullshit. Yes I was in rehab. Yes I was a drug addict. Get your fucking picture and leave!" A few of them backed off slightly, and I was very aware of the photos and videos being taken. "Do you have a car?" I asked the man who gave me a cigarette. "I have a car." "Great, can you take me somewhere? Anywhere but fucking here."

"Uh-, Yea. Yea I can do that." He stuttered.


I followed him towards the parking garage off to the side of the hotel and he led me to his car. "Where do you want to go?" He asked. "A bar?" "I can do that." He smiled and drove out of the garage, passing the same paparazzi who I yelled at not long ago. At this point, I wasn't even concerned with the fact I had a show tomorrow. Or the fact that me yelling at paparazzi would be everywhere tomorrow. Or the fact that I got into a random stranger's car that was most certainly NOT my boyfriend. I would be hearing about that I'm sure.

Everything was going to shit and it was Chris and Scarlett's fault. I don't even care that they fucked. It was the fact they didn't tell me.

"Sorry, I forgot to ask, your name?" I looked at the guy driving. He was probably in his 20's, blonde hair, blue eyes, fit, definitely a frat guy. "Jake." "Nice to meet you Jake, I'm Phoenix." I said. "Oh I know. I'm actually going to your concert and my buddies...they're never gonna fucking believe this. We all think your super hot but also your music is a total vibe." He said, nervously scratching the back of his neck. I smiled slightly, "Really? What section?"

"Lower bowl area."

"Want VIP tickets? As a thank you for getting me the fuck out of there?" I asked with a slight laugh.

"Do I want VIP tickets?? Is that even a fucking question." He said, looking from me, back at the road. "I'll get your number and have my manager get you some." I leaned my head back onto the seat and continued to smoke the cigarette, letting it hang out of the window as he pulled up to a bar. "I hope this is fine. My buddies and I came last night and it's the only one I know of that actually has a good vibe."

"If they serve alcohol? It's perfect." I stepped out of the car, dropping the cigarette on the ground and stomping on it. "Are you coming?" I looked at him and he looked shocked. "Me?" "Yea. You?" "Oh I thought you just wanted a ride?" He said. "You expect me to drink alone?" He quickly got out of the car and we walked up to the door. There was an obvious line of people waiting to get in...but I don't do lines, well people lines that is. I have done a generous amount of white powdery lines.

"Oh my god is that Phoenix??" "Holy shit Phoenix is here!" I heard the whispers of people as I walked up to the bouncer. He didn't even question me and let me and my new friend Jake inside. "This is the best night of my life." Jake laughed as I sat down at the bar. He took a seat next to me and I waved over the bartender. Her eyes widened slightly and I put my finger up to my lips. "Hi, I need tequila. 2 tequilas. Then I need vodka water with lime and ice. Make that a triple. Then whatever he wants." I motioned to Jake and he looked back at the bartender. "Do you have white claws?" I glanced at him and he gave me a sheepish smile. "He'll take a vodka water with lime as well."

"Right away!" She gave me a wide smile and walked away to make the drinks.

"White claw? Really?" He shrugged. "I like the taste." We were sitting away from the busiest part of the bar and I pulled Chris's hat further down my head, hoping not to be noticed by anyone.

"So what's gotten you all upset?" He asked. We each took a shot and quickly shot it down our throats. "Just found out my sister and boyfriend hooked up. How fucked is that?" I laugh slightly to myself and order two more shots. "Scarlett Johansson and Chris Evans have hooked up? Holy shit that makes so much sense." He said with a laugh and I glared at him slightly. "Sorry. I mean-" He mumbled. "I get it. I can't say I'm shocked. I'm not even mad about it. They knew each other first. I'm just pissed they've gone like so long without telling me. I mean when we started dating, I feel like that was a need to know. 'Hey by the way, I've fucked your sister. I hope that's not weird but it was a long time ago'." I groaned and took the second shot, ordering a third.

"Maybe he didn't think about it? Cause it was so long ago?" Jake suggested. "Yea. I guess but still I feel lied too." I finished up my first drink and leaned back in the barstool after ordering another round.

"So, are you from here? Nashville?" I asked Jake. Hoping he would say yes. "No, I go to Ole Miss. We drove up for the concert." I nodded and smiled as the drinks were set in front of us. "Are you in a frat? You look like you're in a frat." He laughed and took a sip of his second drink. "Yea. Phi Psi." I nodded and took another sip.

"So you wouldn't happen to know where I could get coke do you?"

"I really hope you mean the drink..." He said. I smiled and passed him the third shot of tequila and held my own. "No. No I don't. Cheers." I tapped my shot glass with his and bounced it on the edge of the bartop before shooting it down my throat. I shoved the lime in my mouth after. "God, that was terrible." He said, his face scrunching up in disgust. I picked up my vodka water and took a sip as a sort of chaser. Except it was just more hard liquor. "So the coke?"

"Didn't you just-" "Shh. Don't even finish that sentence. I don't want to talk about it. Do you know where I can get it or not?" He quietly nodded. "My buddy has some up in our room. I'll text him and let him know."

"That would be fan-fucking-tastic."

A/N: I still firmly believe Chris and Scarlett have hooked up at least ONCE in the past. No one can change my mind 😂 but anyway...poor Phee :(

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