Chapter 34

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"Hey Phoenix!" Bradley said, pulling me into a hug as he stepped into my dressing room. "Chris, good to see you man." They shook hands and we sat down around the coffee table. "So I'm really excited to be here right now. I mean not only because I'm a huge fan but I'm sure Ralph told you why." He laughed slightly and placed a script on the table. "I could have texted you but I wanted it to be official. I want you for this movie."

"What if I can't act?" I asked.

Ralph, Bradley, and Chris all scoffed. "I know you can act just as well as Scarlett can sing." I laughed slightly. "Okay, okay. What would you need from me?" I asked and looked at Ralph who pulled out a contract. "For you to sign this." He spun it towards me and set a pen on the table. "Bradley...are you sure?"

"One hundred percent. I know you're right for this movie." I looked at Chris and he smiled with a nod. I looked back at Ralph. "I read it. It's good." I smiled and picked up the pen, signing in the required spots.

"Of course filming won't start for a few months. We're only in pre production right now and you're on tour. Read this over. We will be in touch."

"Thank you for thinking of me, Bradley." "You're right for this role. I know it, Phee." He stood up and I gave him another hug. He had always been a good friend to Scarlett. He was also a big fan of my music. Bradley shook both Chris and Ralph's hands before he and Ralph walked out talking.

"I'm so proud of you baby." Chris said, lifting me off the ground and spinning me around. I smiled and pressed my lips to his. "I love you." "I love you too, now can we please go back to the hotel and finish what we started." He mumbled and I laughed slightly. "Carry me out, Captain." I lifted my legs and wrapped them around his waist.

I didn't have to tell him twice. He was already halfway out the door. I held onto him tightly as he practically ran to the town car that was waiting for me. We climbed into the car and it drove us back to the hotel.

Chris wasted no time getting us inside and pinning me to the nearest wall in our room. Dodger barked at our feet and jumped up between us. Chris groaned. "Dodger..." He whined. He pulled away from me and looked at the fluffy brown and white dog sitting out our feet with his tongue out and tail wagging rapidly back and forth. I laughed slightly. "Chris, take him out...and I'll be here waiting." I kissed his cheek before leaning down and kissing Dodger's muzzle. "Come on cockblocker." Chris grumbled as he grabbed Dodger's leash and walked outside with him.

I smiled to myself and went through my bag, pulling out a black lingerie set. I walked into the bathroom to change into it before laying down on the bed for Chris when he gets back.

After about 10 minutes, I heard the door open and shut quietly before hearing Chris's footsteps approach the bed. "Fuck." He mumbled. I leaned up on my elbows and looked at him. He was quickly in front of me, with his shirt already off. His lips hovered over mine. "Phee...You look so fucking good baby." His lips caught mine in a passionate kiss as he kneeled onto the bed. "Come on, Cap...let's finish what we started."


"Yes Rosie, I miss you too."

"Can you sing me a bedtime song?" My niece asked me over the phone. I smiled and looked at Chris. "Would you rather have mommy bring you to see me?" I asked. "YES!" She shouted. I laughed slightly. "Shhh, Rosie. It's bedtime, sweetheart." "Please Aunty Phee Phee?" I heard shuffling and then Scarlett's voice. "What are you promising my kid? Unlimited candy?" She joked.

"No, but thanks for the idea. I'll pitch that to her." I laughed. "No, she wanted a bedtime song so I asked if she'd rather come to a show..."

"Phee, I love you but your show isn't exactly 3 year old friendly ... I'm 4 mommy!" Scarlett said and I heard Rose in the background. "Yea she just turned 4. Jeez Scar, can't even remember  your kids' own birthday." I joked. "Don't even. A birthday you weren't even at and I had to do damage control."

"Okay. Okay I'm sorry. I get it, I was in rehab. It won't happen again." I said. That was probably my worst moment in rehab. Realizing I was missing Rose's birthday because I couldn't get my shit together and stay clean. I would always regret missing that. Thankfully, Rose forgave me pretty quick. It only cost me the entire 4 story, 4 foot tall, Barbie Dreamhouse set and car.

"It will be late, past her bedtime...mommy pleaseeee I miss Phee Phee." Scarlett groaned slightly. "Yea, she misses Phee Phee."

"I hate you. I really do. Fine." "YAY! Bring her to the Nashville show. I'll send you tickets." I cheered on the phone and could practically hear Rose bouncing around. "Why not Chicago or DC? It's closer?" Scarlett asked. "Because I have ideas for the Nashville show." "Phee, don't give me anxiety..." I laughed slightly. "It's nothing bad. I promise." She groaned again. "Fine. Nashville. Will Chris be there?"

"Yes. Chris will be at every show apparently. He's not sick of me, yet." I said, looking at Chris who was sprawled out on the couch with Dodger on his lap. "Fine. I'll see if Col can come too. What is it? A Friday?" "Yea." "Okay, well it might be tight with Saturday Night Live for him but we'll see what we can do."

"Okay, love you." "Love you too...Mommy my turn!" Scarlett laughed slightly and she handed the phone back to Rosie. "I love you Phee Phee." "I love you too, Rosie. Now be good for mommy okay?" "I promise." "Okay, good. I'll see you soon, okay?" "Okay!" She probably handed the phone to Scarlett and I hung up the phone.

I crossed the room and walked towards Chris who moved Dodger off his lap and pulled me into it. "How was Rose?" He asked. "Good. Scarlett is going to bring her to the Nashville show." I said, running my fingers through his hair and then down his face where his beard had finally grown back. "Colin coming?" He asked. "I don't know since the show is on a Friday and he has SNL the next day." I said.

"Have you ever thought about SNL?" Chris asked. "I've been on SNL." "No, like as the host, not just the musical guest?"

I thought for a moment. I mean of course I'd been on SNL, 3 times, as a musical guest and I had even been in like a few skits but hosting? I don't know if I could. "I don't know if I'm funny enough. You could though." Chris laughed and shook his head. "No way. I'm not funny and I have way too much anxiety for that. I would consider showing up as a guest in a skit for you or Scarlett or even Robert...but on my own? I'm avoiding it."

"You should do it. I think you'd be good at it."

"I'll only go on if you host." He said. I smiled and leaned towards his face to kiss him. "Okay Evans, you have a deal."

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