Chapter 33

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"Please come back as soon as you can!" Lisa said, pulling me into a hug. "I hope so." I squeezed her back before she pulled Chris into a hug. "Keep her safe." She pointed at him and he nodded. "I will ma." He laughed slightly and we made our way to the uber that was waiting to take us to the airport. Dodger followed and happily jumped into the car. I waved at Chris's family who was here to see us off.

"I love your family." I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder. "Good because they want to trade me for you." He laughed. I leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Philly here we come."


We had traveled to Philadelphia for my next show and everything had been going well except for the slight mishap with my second outfit. The zipper on my top popped open. Let's just say my fans saw more of me than I wanted them too.

"Okay, Phee. Just shake it off and go back out there." Ralph said, trying to shove me back onstage. "I can't go back out there! My tits were out! Oh god...that's going to be everywhere." I put my head in my hands and groaned. I had already changed into my final outfit of the night. "Phee, you can't wait any longer."

I sighed and heard the crowd still screaming. "Hey. This is Ralph. Have James do something, Phoenix is freaking out. Can someone find me Evans??" Ralph snapped in his headset. "Phoenix. We'll take care of it but you have to go out now." I shook my head and kept rubbing at my nose or wiggling my nose and sniffling. It was always something I did when my body needed another fix. It was always either that or scratching at my neck.

"I get it, you're nervous but we got over the stage fright a long time ago, remember."

"My top came undone!" I shouted. "Okay. We're gonna handle it." "It's embarrassing."

I went quiet and heard James talking to the audience. "Phee just needs a little encouragement to come back out. Let's show her some love!" He started chanting my name and soon the audience was yelling "Phoenix" over and over again. "Phee??" Chris crouched down under the stage and I looked over at him. He pulled my hand away from my nose and held onto it tightly. "You gotta go back on, baby." I shook my head and he laughed slightly. "Phee, you've been topless on the cover of a is this different?"

"Because that was my choice! I'm embarrassed." I tried to pull my hands away from him but he wouldn't let go. "Stop moving your nose." He put his other hand on my nose and held it.

"Come on." He pulled me towards the platform and got on it with me. "Chris..." "You'll be fine. Do you hear them? They don't care, they just want to hear you. They came to hear you. Now go perform my favorite song for me."

"She is on the platform, go." I heard Ralph mumble.

The platform started moving up and before I could get off, Chris stopped me and got off of it. "Sing." I glared at him and he gave me a lopsided smile. The platform raised me up in the air and James started playing the first cords of 34 +35. I squinted my eyes as the spotlight hit me. Fuck it I guess.


I finished the songs and was sitting backstage checking messages on my phone. "I'd like to recreate what happened earlier, but in the bedroom. Can you do that for me?" Chris asked as he pulled the phone out of my hands and leaned over my body. His lips connected with mine and his hand reached under the sweatshirt I had changed into. His hands were warm as they squeezed my skin. I moaned a little and shifted so he could slate himself between my legs on the couch. He lifted the sweatshirt off my body and dropped it next to the couch. "Fuck." He groaned and began kissing down my neck.

I ran my fingers through his hair as he left wet kisses along my collarbone and chest. I whined slightly, needing to feel him, and started undoing his pants. I got my hand in and squeezed his hardening member through his boxers. He let out a groan and sat back, pushing his pants down further.

He immediately went back to kissing me as he let a hand wander under my leggings, feeling the wetness that was pooling between my legs. "God." He groaned and pushed my thong to the side so he could slip a finger into me. I moaned as he curled his finger. Chris's mouth connected with my right breast as he added a second finger. I arched slightly and gripped his hair. "Oh fuck, don't stop..." I moaned. He moved his hand quicker.

My hands ran down his back and then around to his front and under his shirt. My hand ran over every muscle before trying to set his dick free. Just as I was about to push his boxers down, the door to my dressing room slammed open. "Phee, you'll never believe- PHOENIX?!" I heard Ralph shout. I snapped my head towards the door and saw Ralph standing there turned around. "For fucks sake, you couldn't wait until you got back to the hotel?!"

Chris slipped his hand out of my leggings and I quickly pulled on my sweatshirt. Chris pulled up his pants again and placed a pillow over his lap. "Ralph?? Do you knock??" I snapped. "You can turn around now." Ralph turned around slowly and glared at me. "Well I wasn't expecting to see you two fucking on the couch now was I. We are in public." I rolled my eyes and sighed. "What do you need, Ralph?"

"Well the entire reason I was coming in here was to tell you who I've been in talks with recently. Bradley Cooper."

"No shit?? Why??" I sat up and looked at him. "He's remaking the 1937 Classic 'A Star is Born' and he wants YOU as the lead."

"Holy shit." Chris said. I was genuinely too stunned to speak. "He wants to meet with you before we leave Philadelphia. He's here." "Me? He wants to meet with me? Here? At the show?? I- I'm not an actress..."

"Phee, your sister is Scarlett Johansson. You can act just as well as she can sing." I stared at Chris with wide eyes and my phone started ringing. Chris picked it up off the table. "It's Scarlett." He passed me the phone and I answered it.

"Hey Scar!" I said. "Has Ralph talked to you???" I smiled. She knew. "Maybe..." "Yea...what did he say?!" She asked. I smiled wide, "He said Bradley wants ME to star in 'A Star is Born'!!!!" I shouted. She screamed on the other end so loud that I had to pull the phone away from my ear. "He literally just texted me and told me!! Well he was actually texting me about your merch..but then told me. This is amazing!!" I laughed and looked back at Ralph and Chris. "I gotta go. I'll text you!!" "Love you!!" "Love you too, bye." I hung up the phone and handed it back to Chris.

I screamed again and everyone covered their ears. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down. "Okay." I jumped on Chris. "Phee, this is incredible." He placed a kiss on my lips and held me tightly. "Thank god it was just me walking in here. He's outside, I'll have security let him in."

"Oh my god!" I looked at Chris with wide eyes. "What??'

"Do you know what this means??" I asked. "That you'll be acting in a movie?" Chris looked at me confused.

"I just flashed Bradley Cooper!"

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