Ch. 36

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The moment you mentioned the power star, Luigi's face went pale and his expression of concern formed into one of regret.

The room was deathly silent.

Your breaths became shallow as your heart was pounding in your chest. Your exhaustion and denial only fueled the dread you were experiencing as your senses slowly started to blur from your growing panic.

"Ok, wait- hold on! How much did you just hear!?" Mario suddenly questioned as he snapped out of his initial shock, his stern tone clearly nearing one of panic. "Why are you even down here, y/n!?"

Mario took a few steps towards you, causing you to start instinctively back away from him untill his approach was suddenly stopped by Luigi quickly grabbing his shoulder.

"Mario, we don't have to escalate this." Luigi nervously said in an attempt to calm his brother.

"I'm not escalating anything, I'm just trying to get answers! " Mario frantically argued as he jerked away from Luigi. "Do you expect me to not immediately question y/n's sudden appearance in a place they shouldn't even be aware about!? Luigi, they just learned something that should have never been casually overheard!"

The world around you began to feel suffocating. The rising fear that was weighing down on you caused every second that went by to feel like an eternity. Your hands were shaking and your head badly ached as you instantly recognized the all too familiar feeling you had been forced to deal with during your entire known life.

The feeling of losing control...

I need to leave.


"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to- um... How about we just talk about this later? You guys seem busy, s-so I'll just go..." You managed to stutter out in a last attempt to not seem suspicious as you quickly turned away from the brothers, trying your best to not start running as you began to walk down the hall towards the exit.

"What, no!? y/n, you can't just leave after hearing something like that! We need to discuss this!" Mario shouted as he quickly ran in front of you, a look of anxiety in his eyes as he tried to block your path.

You instantly tensed up and tightly clenched your fists as Mario's sudden action only caused the hold on your magic to worsen. Your breathing was becoming increasingly unsteady as you tried to use the little energy you had to try and push your magic back.

"Mario, please! You need to calm down!" You heard Luigi desperately plead from behind you.

This only made you feel more trapped as the instant feeling of being surrounded quickly came over you.

You could barely focus as your heart pounded in your chest. You could feel its rapid beat throughout you, striking your nerves with each pulse as it consumed your senses with its sound through the warmth of your body.

"I'd calm down if we could just get some answers from y/n without them trying to straight up leave the situation!" Mario quickly shot back with irritation lining his panicked words.

"Your reaction to this is obviously overwhelming them! Just back off and give them some space!" Luigi argued, his tone becoming more frustrated by the second.

Terror washed over you as you felt the hold on your magic start to slip away.



In desperation and panic, you instantly tried to rush past Mario, your mind and instinct now focused on getting away from what it considered a threat.

Duality (Luigi x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant