Ch. 10

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I describe an outfit in this chapter, but I feel like I don't do it very well.

Feel free to imagine yourself in any outfit you want if you don't want to go off my description :)

(f/c)- favorite color
(a/c)- any color
(f/b)- favorite breakfast
(h/l)- hair length
(h/c)- hair color
(e/c)- eye color

Everything was dark...

Your body was completely weightless as you floated in place. You looked around you, trying to figure out where you were, but you couldn't see a thing.

Suddenly, you couldn't breathe.

You began to flail your arms in a panic as you desperately tried to find air, causing you to fall forwards.

As you flipped upside down from where you were floating, you suddenly felt yourself become submerged in water.

After a few seconds of panicked and failed attempts to swim upwards, you were pulled back upwards through the water by an invisible force. The moment you breached the surface you began to cough and sputter while trying
to take in air. Before you could even get a proper breath in though, you felt your entire body get lifted above the water.

You looked down in shock as water dripped from you, creating many small ripples in the dark water below. Instantaneously, gravity returned back to you and you fell straight down.

To your surprise, you weren't met with water, but instead solid ground.

Dazed, you didn't even notice that you were now completely dry.

You tried to stand yourself back up, grabbing onto the stone wall that was now in front of you.

It took you a second to recognize where you were, but looking around at the lava and towers quickly gave you the answer.

You were at the ruins and on top of the battlement you and Jr had been.

Curious, you looked down to where the bridge was, but saw no one on it. There wasn't a single sign of life and all you could hear was the bubbling of lava below.

"That's odd..." You mutter to yourself in confusion.

You turned from the wall to see if you could see anything else around you. You then froze and your heart sank when you saw what was directly behind you.

Is that...


You didn't recognize that it was him at first. He wasn't wearing his green cap and was wearing a large black hoodie not unlike the one you last wore.

He just stood there staring at you blankly with dull, gray eyes.

In fear and confusion you backed up from where you were standing, expecting to run into the battlement wall. Instead, you felt yourself begin to fall backwards.

The wall had disappeared...

Before completely falling, you felt a sudden hand grip your wrist and pull you back up while another hand grabbed your other wrist tightly.

Your heels were hanging off the edge as you looked to see Luigi standing in front of you. You had to strain your arms against his grip to keep yourself from falling backwards.

His expression was now one of what seemed to be concentration.

He looked down at you, his eyes darting across your face as if he were trying to memorize it. His eyes then stopped darting around and he made direct eye contact.

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