Ch. 11

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"The Mushroom Kingdom?" You asked in a slightly panicked voice. "Did something happen?"

"Everything is fine. All that's been happening with them has come to a standstill for us due to Marios threat about the power stars, but that's not what I came here to talk about." Bowser explained. "I wanted to tell you the reason why our kingdoms are against each other."

To be honest, you were a bit shocked that you hadn't asked about the feud before. You had always meant to, but that question was overshadowed by everything else that was happening.

"There is somewhere I would like to take you in the castle before I do."

"Really?" You said, unable to hold back your enthusiasm of seeing another place in the castle.

"Follow me." Bowser said while turning around to leave your room.

You jumped up from your chair and quickly followed after him, a bit surprised by how fine he was with this.

The two of you walked silently down the stairs and out of your tower. He led you across your small courtyard and to the large doors that were the entrance and exit of your area.

He came to a halt in front of them.

"I've made sure that no one else but us will be in the areas we walk through." He explained with a serious, but calm tone. "The room I wish to show you isn't too far."

You just gave him a nod before he turned back to the doors and went through them, you following closely behind him.

The door led to a hall that had another door similar to it at the opposite end. The hall was arched and lined with stone. Torches were placed symmetrically along the walls and it had a long, burgundy colored carpet stretched across the floor.

You both walked through the long hall silently to the other end, the soft sounds of your footsteps echoing off the walls.

Once reaching the other end and exiting the door, you were met with a large corridor.

The ceiling was decorated with golden chandeliers and the walls were lined with random paintings. You noticed that there were arched doorways scattered across the room, and wondered where each of them led.

Bowser led you through one of the arch ways to the right of the room, entering an area that held the beginning of a large spiral staircase.

As you made your way up the stairs, you passed many doors. Eventually you stopped at one before you reached the top of the staircase.

Entering the room, you were met with a small hall that led to a dead end.

Looking around, you were a bit confused.

There were no other doors or archways to go through and the hall only had a few simple paintings and torches on the walls.

"Where are we?" You asked as the two of you walked to the stone wall at the dead end of the hall.

"You mustn't tell anyone what I am about to show you." Bowser said seriously as he reached out.

He then scratched a large cursive K on a stone brick in the wall with his claw.

You watched in amazement as the K let off a soft red glow before disappearing. The wall suddenly opened up in front of you, causing you to let out a small gasp.

"Woah..." You muttered in awe.

The two of you entered the dark room that was behind the secret door.

As you heard the wall close behind you, the room was suddenly lit up by torches to reveal a huge hall.

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