Ch. 25

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You watched the smile on Toads face drop a bit as he turned to look up at Peach. Once he saw the look on her face, he seemed to realize what he had just said.

"Oh... you didn't ask them yet, did you?" He asked while letting out a nervous chuckle.

"Ask me what?" You questioned, unable to hide the sharpness in your voice.

You looked between Peach, Mario, and Luigi.

Each of them had an awkward expression on their face as they avoided eye contact with you. The brothers then looked towards Peach, which made you look back to her for some sort of answer.

She opened her mouth to say something, but just then the timer on the oven went off.

"Muffins!" Toad yelled while laughing nervously. "Muffins are done! I'm going to go over there... to where the muffins are!"

He then swiftly left the tense situation, causing Peach to let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry about him..." Peach said while nervously looking you in the eyes, clearly trying to keep her composure. "Using the phrase 'political gain' was poor wording on his part..."

"What's the correct wording then?" You asked, begging to fidget with your chain link necklace out of nervousness.

"Uh, well..." Mario said while placing his hand on your shoulder. "I would call it more of an 'everyone gains something' kind of situation."

You immediately felt tense from Marios 'friendly' gesture, feeling more threatened by his touch than you did comfort. You jerked your shoulder away, and took a few steps back while unintentionally giving him a cold glare.

"W-what my brother is trying to say is that we really need your help with something (y/n)..." Luigi quickly explained while walking a bit closer to Mario.

Mario looked confused by your reaction and both Luigi and Peach had a stressed demeanor. You instantly soften your gaze, realizing your glare most likely came off as a bit threatening.

The atmosphere was thick with tension as the four of you stood there looking at each other.

"What would you need my help with?" You questioned while attempting to get a hold of yourself.

"How about we step outside and talk about this." Peach said in a serious tone while taking off her apron. "There's a seating area right outside here."

You felt uneasy as you hesitantly followed Peach, a bit worried that you didn't get an immediate answer.

You also couldn't help but notice how the brothers waited for you to start following the princess before they started walking behind you.

You felt trapped.

Did they do that on purpose!?

Should I just run!?


Don't run, don't panic.

Once again, you felt surprised by your sudden change in thought, going from desperately wanting to flee, to feeling oddly calm.

Don't run.

Don't panic.

You felt a strange sense of apathy slightly rise in you as you repeated those words in your head.

It didn't feel right, but at least you no longer wanted to escape the situation...

You and the others eventually walked out a door near the end of the kitchen that led out to a small area outside.

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