Ch 18

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You were pacing back and forth in your room, your emotions overtaken by anxiety.

The morning you planned to go to the Mushroom Kingdom had finally come after two long weeks of study and preparation.

It was all very overwhelming for you to learn about the outside world. Your mind was racing over all the things you had learned, from different creatures to magical items, you had reviewed a lot of it.

You stopped pacing for a moment to look out the window and over the large ocean of lava. The dawning sun lit the sky with soft colors of pink as the darkness of the night slipped out of sight.

What if I never make it back?



You quickly shook the negative thoughts of hesitations from your head.

"Maybe I just need fresh air..." You muttered to yourself.

You grabbed the jacket that was hanging on your desk chair and slipped it on while walking up to the mirror in your room. Your outfit consisted of boots and cargo pants, along with a simple t-shirt and the jacket. It all had a neutral color theme, perfect for travel and perfect for not standing out too much.

Letting out a sigh, you walked over to your bed where you had left the satchel you had packed for the journey. Slinging it on your shoulder, you couldn't help but be very thankful for the light weight of the bag.

Kamek had enchanted the satchel to hold a lot more than an average bag could. While you were unsure of the storage limit, let's just say you were surprised that it wasn't the least bit heavy.

You walked down to your courtyard and sat yourself underneath the willow tree that grew there.

The soft breeze made the willow branches dance gently against each other, filling the courtyard with the comforting sound of the tree's movement. You took in deep breaths of the crisp morning air, closing your eyes and allowing yourself to become lost in the relaxing atmosphere.

Kamek, Bowser, and Jr were meant to come to see you off at any moment. You weren't sure if you were ready to do that, but your determination seemed to keep you moving forward.

"Don't be selfish (y/n)." You scolded yourself. "You're doing this for them. For your family and your kingdom..."

You began to fiddle with the chain that hung permanently around your neck, your mind going to your magic.

You hadn't used your magic since the day you fought the Mario Brothers. Luckily, the chain that Rosalina gave you seemed to allow you to lock away your magic in some sort of way. All you had to do was put effort into keeping control over your emotions. While you were now able to show a lot more emotion without your magic slipping past you, you knew it was still possible if the emotion was too intense.

I can't let that happen again.

Your thoughts were then suddenly interrupted by the sound of the large door in your courtyard opening.

Swiftly, you stood up and saw that your family was finally here. Your heart slightly sank at the sight of them. The idea that you had to say goodbye without knowing when you would see them again hurt you greatly.

You quickly got control over your emotions though, knowing that showing hesitation in front of them may make them less confident in you leaving.

Walking up to them, you tried to stay in a serious demeanor. A moment of silence came over all of you as you looked at each other. You were unsure of what to say to them.

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