Ch. 12

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(m/c)- magic color

"He- he what!?"

You stood there in shock. You had no idea this was how Bowser's father died.

"Everything that happened after that was a blur to me..." Bowser said with a sigh. "I think Orian tried to say something, but I just yelled at him to leave through my cries. He surprisingly listened to me and left."

You could see his eyes getting misty as he continued explaining.

"I had to bury my father that day and return to the kingdom as its new ruler. For a few years, I gave up on the Ember Isle and chose to focus on my kingdom. However, that changed when we started slipping into poverty. Overpopulation and the lack of jobs began to plague the kingdom. We didn't, and still don't have sufficient funding to try and resolve this, and my people are suffering as a result."

"That's when you started fighting to try and get your land back." You stated.

"Yes." Bowser confirmed. "Not only does that island mean everything to me and my ancestors, but it also is able to grow the flowers that could easily get us out of poverty. That land belongs to me and my people, so I fought for years trying to get it back."

Bowser clenched his fists while explaining this. The anger and hurt coming off of him was a bit intimidating to you.

"Then, about seven years ago... Orian died of a terrible sickness. With Peach's mother also gone, she was the only person left to rule. However, she was only a child. I refused to continue the feud with their kingdom until she was older. Annoyingly, they predicted this and hired the Mario Brothers as protectors of the kingdom around the time I was planning to try and take the land back."

"Wait... Did you fight the Mario brothers at some point before the battle at the ruins?" You questioned.

"A few times." Bowser answered, a little amused by your question. "But this was the first time I decided to try and take Princess Peach hostage for the land."

"Well, that didn't end very well." You said without thinking.

You slightly panicked for a second, but then your father burst out in laughter. You couldn't help but laugh as well. He has always had a contagious laughter.

"You are not wrong my child!" He chuckled out as his laughter died down.

You then rushed into your fathers arms and hugged him.

He hugged you back as you felt fury begin to rise in you. The fact that the citizens of your home were in poverty filled you with a strong resentment against the Mushroom Kingdom.

"There is... something else I feel you should know." Bowser said quietly.

"What is it?" You said as you pulled away from your fathers embrace to look at him.

"It's about the Mario Brothers and the reason for their reputation." He explained hesitantly. "You see, their family has always had a reputation for being strong, and for protecting those in need. That reputation started with their ancestor from long ago... this ancestor being the human who was able to kill Atlas."


You felt a twinge of discomfort as you thought about the brothers being kin of the human who killed Atlas. A slight fear began to embed itself in you.

"But I am not Atlas..." you muttered.

"You are not Atlas." He repeated back to you with a comforting smile "I just want you to know about the kind of people we are dealing with. Humans are incredibly strong, and you should never underestimate them."

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