Ch. 29

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"Um... w-what?" You stuttered nervously, unsure of how exactly you were supposed to respond to this situation. "I, uh- I didn't really say you could come in-"

"Why are you here?" Waluigi suddenly interrupted while crossing his arms and leaning his back more comfortably against the door.

"Why am I here?" You repeated with genuine confusion. "I... explained that at the meeting, didn't I?"

"In a way, yes..." He muttered in annoyance. "But that doesn't change the fact that your explanation was abnormal..."


I thought I did well explaining myself...

Even though you were starting to internally panic, you tried your best to appear calm.

"(y/n), I have no doubt that if someone else were in your position, that they would steer clear of this political deal entirely." Waluigi started to explain in a hushed, but stern tone. "Even after being told of all the risks and dangers, you seem perfectly fine going along with it, and for what? A job? A place to live?"

"Uh... yes?" You answered. "I thought I made it pretty obvious that's the reason why I'm doing this..."

Waluigi let out a sigh of frustration as he put his hands in his pockets, looking down at the ground for a moment before bringing his gaze back to you.

"Alright, I'm not going to stand here and dance around the main reason I came to talk to you, so just shut up and listen." He said while his condescending tone slightly faltered.

You tensed up a bit at his words, instinctively taking a small step back as your mind started to race over all the 'what ifs' of this situation.

"I honestly can't tell if you have a deeper motive for being here, or if you're just completely clueless about what's going on around you. Your story and explanations felt... off, to say the least. Unfortunately, you made enough sense for everyone to consider my hesitations about you to be... irrational..."

"I-I don't know what 'hesitations' you have about me, but I really am just here because I have nothing to my name..." You tried to lie once again.

"Everything feels too convenient with you." Waluigi said with disdain, completely ignoring your words. "You just... appeared out of nowhere. You have all these detailed answers about your past, yet you seemed to stumble over explaining your experience in the warp way. And despite all this, no one else seems to be picking up on the fact that something about you isn't right!"

Your nervousness slipped past your attempt to appear calm as you stood there wide eyed and unsure of what to say towards Waluigi's growing anger and accusations.

"I... I understand your frustration, but-"

"No." He harshly interrupted. "(y/n), I've played this game before..."

Waluigi took a few steps away from the door he was leaning on as he said this, causing you to take just as many steps back from him.

"I used to live a life that was full of deceit." He bluntly stated. "I've lied. I've cheated. I've manipulated. So, do you really think I can't tell that something about you is off?"

Oh shit...

What do I do!?

What am I even supposed to say to this!?

You stayed silent as you stared at him with a mixture of fear and disbelief.

"Sure, it may just be a gut feeling at the moment, but I suggest you start watching every step you take from now on... " Waluigi said in a chilling tone while slowly stepping a bit closer. "One thing you should know about me is that I take any threats towards my kingdom and the people I care about very seriously..."

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