Ch. 16

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Internally panicking, you watched as the Mario Brothers walked into your line of vision. They both stood a short distance away from you.

Mario had the fire flower he had just taken in his hand. He looked at you with a cold stare and seemed ready to use it at any moment.

You noticed Luigi was now no longer in his normal colored outfit with his overalls now being green and his undershirt being a light blue. You frustratingly assumed his clothes changed from the ice magic he just used to freeze you in place.

He looked slightly nervous, but still let off a serious demeanor as he outstretched his arm towards you.

"So, are you going to tell us exactly who you are?" Mario questioned sharply.

You stayed silent as fear petrified you. Many 'what ifs' raced through your mind.

"H-hey Mario?" Luigi stuttered. "Uh, do you think it's possible this koopa was what I saw that day?"


Your panic began to die down as you felt an odd wave of relief unexpectedly come over you.

They think I'm a koopa...

"Huh, I guess it could be." Mario said in slight shock. "I mean, what are the chances that you saw a different hooded figure in these ruins."

You then finally realized that you were wearing the same black hoodie that you had worn the day of the battle they had with your father. With you being caught in the ruins looking like this, them making this assumption was pretty understandable to you.

The cold sting of the ice that kept you stuck there was starting to become very uncomfortable at this point. You subconsciously shuffled in place, causing the ice to slightly crack.

Luigi quickly fired another layer of ice to your feet, but this time it went past your ankles. The bitter pain shot through your legs as the ice fortified itself in order to keep you where you were.

You snapped your gaze to meet Luigis after he did this.

His expression was surprisingly fearful. He looked at you as if you were about to attack him, his arm shaking as he held his hand out towards you.

You couldn't help but notice his eyes as he stared at you.

His eyes were a striking blue. They looked nothing like the cold, gray eyes he appeared with in the nightmare you had about him.

You felt an odd sensation as you continued to study his gaze.

In that moment, you became lost as you tried to understand what exactly you were feeling. Mixed emotions of fear and infatuation fought against each other as they clouded your mind.


You were then snapped out of your wandering thoughts as you heard Mario yell.

Looking over to Mario, you noticed he had walked closer to his brother. He looked at you fiercely while Luigi instead had an expression of distress and confusion plastered on his face.

Realizing you may have been staring for too long, you figured Mario may have taken it as aggressive behavior towards his brother.

"W-we don't want any trouble." Luigi said nervously. "We, um- we just want to know why you're here."

Silence filled the ruins for a long while as you and the brothers stared at each other. You found it ironic that they wanted to know why you were in your own kingdom.

"You know what?" Mario eventually said. "Staying here too long is risky, let's just take them back to the Mushroom Kingdom. We'll be able to question them safely there."

Duality (Luigi x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora