Ch. 26

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I have been asked about character ages, so here you go! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

(Y/N)- 20



Toad- bruh, idk tbh (O_O)



Rosalina- 5,028


"Oh, ok, um- what's your side of the deal then?" Luigi asked nervously.

"If I'm going to do this, I need to be provided a job and place of living." You stated, surprised by your amount of confidence in this moment. "This would have to also include life essentials such as clothing, food, and other stuff like that."

"That seems reasonable enough." Luigi said with a smile. "Is there a job you're looking for in particular?"

"I'm not positive on what kind of job, but I would like it to be here at the Mushroom Kingdom..."

You watched as Luigi's smile fell from his face as you mentioned wanting to stay at the Mushroom Kingdom.

Your confidence faltered slightly the moment you saw him with that expression, but you tried to ignore it.

"I-I'm not sure that would be the best idea (y/n)..." He stuttered.

"Why?" You asked in confusion.

However before you could get an answer, you were interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps.

Turning to see who it was, you immediately scrambled up from the ground when you were met with the sight of Mario and two guards, a yellow toad and a blue toad.

"Thank the stars you found them, Luigi!" Mario said, seeming relieved at the sight of you. "Is everything alright?"

Why can't I just get answers without being interrupted!?


Also, I'm still hungry!

You felt slightly annoyed by Mario and felt equally uneasy about the guards following him, but you could only assume your hunger wasn't helping these negative feelings...

"Yeah, everythings ok..." You began to say. "Sorry about-"

You then immediately went silent when the two toad guards pointed their spears towards your face, causing you to put up your hands defensively while stepping back a bit.

You weren't necessarily feeling threatened by this, more confused and frustrated than anything else.

"Woah, hey!" Mario quickly said while rushing up to the toads. "There's no need for that! Put your weapons down, you trigger happy lunatics!"

Now that Mario was a bit closer, you could see how stressed out he looked, with his overall energy feeling a lot more tense than usual. Sure, he looked overwhelmed before, but now it was as if his entire demeanor was taken over by stress.

While a bit surprising to you, it was almost comforting to see someone you considered so strong and dangerous in this state of weakness...

"But you told us to make sure they didn't run away again!" The blue toad argued while retracting his spear followed by the yellow toad doing the same.

"I-I mean, yeah..." Mario said while giving you a nervous glance. "But, there's no need to escalate things like that!"

"I agree..." You heard Luigi say from next to you.

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