Ch. 4

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(a/c)- any color
(f/a)- favorite activity

Eight years have passed since your first day in the castle.

You didn't stay in Jr's room for long.

Bowser was able to find you a living space rather quickly.

In fact, he was able to section off part of the west wing of the castle for you to stay hidden. Most people were forbidden to go into the west wing, unless permitted by Bowser himself. Workers at the castle were also not allowed to spread rumors about the forbidden area unless they wished to be... reprimanded.

The only people who were allowed in the west wing were Bowser, Jr, and Kamek. You became very close with them. Bowser became a father to you, which in return made Jr a brother.

Your part of the west wing consisted of three sections. These sections were, a tower for a living space, a secured courtyard, and a training area.

Having your own bedroom felt very special to you. It had a (a/c) color scheme and was decorated with a bed, a desk and chair, a bookshelf, and a wardrobe. It also had a large window facing the lava ocean that surrounded Bowser's kingdom. It wasn't grand, but you liked it that way.

The courtyard was slightly confined, but it was made that way to allow you to go outside without being seen. There was a large willow tree that grew near one of the corners of the courtyard. It provided a nice amount of shade, and was your favorite place to (f/a). There was also a picnic table where you would eat meals with Bowser and Jr on occasion, usually you were just brought food to your room though.

The training area was the area you spent most of your time at. It was built underground and was a large open space. It was made sturdy so you wouldn't destroy the foundations by accident. It was mostly empty though. Something would only be brought down if Kamek wanted to use it for a training lesson.

Kamek kept his word and helped you to learn how to control your magic. You poured everything into your training. You desperately didn't want to be considered dangerous for the rest of your life.

You hoped that would change very soon...

But for now, instead of practicing your magic, you were instead dying of boredom in your room.

Kamek canceled your lesson for today, and forbade you from practicing on your own.

Kamek had told you the sudden cancellation had something to do with issues regarding some place called the Mushroom Kingdom. Unfortunately, the details of what was actually happening at the moment were kept from you. You weren't even able to get information from Jr like you would usually do, due to him being kept in the dark as well.

Now you were stuck staring at the ceiling as you laid on your bed. Thoughts quickly entered and left your mind as time ticked by.

What is the outside world like?

What did I even eat for breakfast this morning?

Everyone would be better off without me, I'm nothing but a burden.....

It was toast. I had toast for breakfast.

Will I be able to help more after-


You were then suddenly brought back to reality when a sudden force pushed you off of your bed.

"Seriously Jr?" You said as you looked up to see your brother peeking down at you from your bed.

You hadn't even heard him come in.

"Yes seriously! This was 100% necessary!" He shouted.

"What could possibly make that neces-"

"I know what's going on with the dad and the Mushroom Kingdom!"

You quickly sat up from the floor after he said this.

"What? How?!" you questioned as you got back on your feet.

"I'm just sneaky!"

The little goblin child then made a smug face that you have grown to both love and hate over the years.

"You know dads gonna kill you if he figures out you've been spying again?"

You then pushed him off of your bed. The smug face he was pulling disappeared as he fell on the ground with a thud.


You knew he was fine. He had his shell to protect him. That thing had protected him from much higher falls.

You didn't wait for him to get up before continuing to question him.

"Well... are you going to tell me what's going on or not?" You asked.

You then saw Jr jump up from the floor with a very intense speed. He ran around the bed and up to you with an expression of excitement that made him look like he was going to explode.

You looked down at him.

He has always been about half your height. He says he will outgrow you eventually, and while you knew this was most likely the case, you still liked to pick on him about it.

"Spill it shorty." You demanded.

"First of all, I'm average height for a dragon koopa my age. Second..." Jr then took in a huge breath before continuing, "Dad captured Princess Peach from the Mushroom Kingdom and is keeping her hostage for some land or something. He said there's a deadline or else he'll take the land and the kingdom by force! Apparently they were not having that because they sent the Mario Brothers to try and save her!"

You took in everything Jr just said to you.

Many things stood out to you in that small explanation. You knew the feud with the Mushroom Kingdom was reaching its peak, but you had no idea this was what your fathers next step was.

You weren't sure what the feud was over or when it even started. That was always kept from you and Jr.

Questions began to form in your head as you thought of the things your brother said, but one question stood out from the rest.

"Who are the Mario Brothers?"

You had never heard of them before, but the emphasis that Jr put on them made you think that they must be important.

"They are two brothers named Mario and Luigi. They're human, and are known for being experts at using magical items." Jr explained. "Apparently, they have been helping the Mushroom Kingdom against us for a while now."

You weren't shocked to learn that they were humans. Humans were known for being powerful when it came to things like that.

However, what concerned you was the fact that they were considered experts in using magical items. You knew those magical items could be incredibly dangerous if used by someone who understood them.

"(y/n)? Are you ok?" Jr suddenly asked.

He was looking up at you with a concerned expression. You knew Jr could feel your change in mood.

You really didn't like the idea of these brothers confronting your father.

"Do you know when they'll get here?" You asked in a serious tone, completely ignoring Jr's concern.

Jr stayed silent and began to avoid eye contact with you. Your serious demeanor then turned into one of worry.

"Jr... When will they get here?" You asked again as you kneeled down to his level.



Duality (Luigi x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz