Chapter 48: Big Choices

Start from the beginning

"Wh-what? Sebastian... asked you to marry him?" Ominis' eyes widened and his voice was growing louder. "Why would he do that? Changing your name? You're so... young!"

"Ominis Gaunt! Are you really questioning Sebastian's decision to marry after everything you put him through with Anne?" I said, giving up digging through the trunk to stare at him with a hand on my hip.

"That... that was different!" He said, trying to dodge the fact I'd just called him out on being a hypocrite.

"No, it wasn't. I'd have thought you'd be happy. Sebastian, who never wanted a relationship to begin with, is now going to get married. I'm proud of him and his growth and you should be too." I bit back.

Ominis seemed taken aback by my words, clearly caught off guard by the reminder of his own shit storm of a proposal. Finally, he let out a sigh, his shoulders slumping.

"You're right, Olive. I shouldn't be so quick to judge. I just... I worry about him, you know? And I worry about you too. I don't want you marrying for the wrong reasons. Like changing your name."

"There are many reasons, Ominis. I'll change my name and it will be harder to track me down, I'll be married so Marvolo can't have me how he wants... but above all, we love each other. So, so much. It was inevitable we'd be married eventually. I promise you, this is the right choice. It's just slightly earlier than we expected. And that's okay."

Ominis let out a sigh of resignation, "I suppose I can see that. You two do have an extraordinary bond, I'll give you that. Just promise me you'll both take this seriously."

I nodded. "Of course, Ominis. We've talked it through, and we know what we're getting into."

"Well, then I suppose I should say congratulations," Ominis said with a half-smile, seemingly like he was offering a hint of approval.

"Thank you, Ominis," I replied, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders now that he seemed to be coming around.

He hesitated for a moment, then cleared his throat. "And I suppose I should apologise too. For being so judgmental."

"You just wouldn't be Ominis Gaunt without a tendency to judge, now would you?" I said.

We both shared a small laugh and Ominis left me to continue where I left off, sifting through Sebastian's one million belongings crammed into a small trunk.

I finally found what I was looking for. A small, rectangular wooden box. I opened it and there was an array of gold jewellery. A few pairs of earrings, a necklace or two and one ring. It was also gold and had a very dainty and intricate design, with a single, glistening diamond set in the center. I carefully picked up the ring, holding it up to the light to get a better look. It was stunning, yet simple. It was elegant.

Mrs. Sallow had good taste...

As I admired the ring, I thought about Sebastian's letter and about this piece of jewellery having belonged to his mother. The thought of wearing something so personal and meaningful made my heart swell. I knew how important his mother was to him, and the fact that he wanted me to have this heirloom touched me deeply.

I slid the ring onto my finger, where it fit perfectly as if it had always been meant to be there. The cool metal warmed against my skin, and I couldn't help but smile to myself.

God, I couldn't wait to see Sebastian again.

I closed up the box and tucked it back where it had come from before rushing off to potions.

I don't know how I managed to do it, but I walked in just as Sharp was about to shut the door. I'd made it.

"Ah, you made it Miss Raywood." Sharp said as I burst into the room. "Thank Merlin..."

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