"Doctor, I need you to do everything in your power but just-"

"I understand, Mujin. I'm here, let me handle the situation. Who is it by the way?" He placed his hand on Mujin's shoulder.

"She's my-" He stopped."-friend. Friend's wife."

"Oh. Jaison's wife? Thats terrible. You don't need to worry anymore. I'll see to it." He patted Mujin's shoulder and quickly walked into the operation theatre.

The reality dawned on him at the mention of Jaison. His face became blank as he stared into nothingness. His breathing quickened as he stumbled back onto the bench.
Will you check up on her for me?

Jaison? He doesn't know. He doesn't know his wife is fighting for her life while he is away. Mujin palmed his face. He wanted to bury himself alive. Jaison had given him a responsibility. The responsibility to look after Akira and he failed. He fucking failed.

He was suppose to protect her but now she is laying on the death bed because of his carelessness. It was already hard for him to face Jaison but now he wasn't sure he'll ever be able to show his face to him. He was ashamed.

Jaison wouldn't forgive him.

Hell! I wouldn't forgive myself if something happens to her.

He choked on his saliva. He had to inform Jaison. He would originally arrive tomorrow but Mujin couldn't wait that long. Jaison had a right to know. Furthermore, his guilt was eating him alive.

He bit his lower lip hard causing the blood to ooze out. He shook his head trying to muster the courage to inform his best friend about the situation. It was going to be hard but not as hard to see her covered in blood.

He stood up from the bench and walked towards the receptionist. Gesturing the woman towards the landline, she gently pushed it towards him. He was glad she didn't ask him anything. Speaking a single word required a lot of energy.

Slowly placing the phone on his ear he dialed Jaison's number with his bloody hands. He gulped as he waited for the line to connect. He was wishing hard for Jaison to ignore the call. He didn't have the guts to talk to him.

He gasped sharply as the line connected. He didn't say anything.

"Hello?" Jaison's calculated voice boomed and he buried his face into his palm.
"Hello? Who is it?"

"J- J- Jaison."

"Park?" Concern dripped down his voice.
"Park, what happened?"

"Jaison." His chest ached.

"What is it, Park?" He waited.

"Akira- she- accident." He couldn't formulate a sentence. He knew he would break down crying a river if he tried to speak much.
He was met with silence." Jaison? Ja-"

"What did you just say?" A chill went down Mujin's spine at how scary calm he sounded.

"Akira m-met with an accident. She is- is in the hospital."


"I'm coming." Mujin wasn't allowed to speak further before the line went off.

After ending the call, Jaison quickly dialed another number.
"Get the heli pad ready within five minutes." His dominating voice boomed.

He knew it. He knew something was wrong but to that extent? He didn't want to imagine the extent of damage caused but Mujin's helpless voice cracked his confidence. His heart sank further as a picture of her bruised and injured flashed before his eyes. He shut his eyes tight blocking those thoughts away.

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