"You really mean all that?" Regina asked, softly.

"Every word," Elias said and handed her the letter, "Now," he stood up and extended his hand to her, "Let's go before Zelena has Gold burn down the town."

Regina took hold of his hand and stood up, "There's something I need you to do for me first," She said.

"What's that?" Elias asked.

Flashback - Enchanted Forest

Rumplestiltskin and Zelena walked together through the forest, "Cora never mentioned me?" She asked.

"A first born daughter? I think that's something I would remember. Now, there's a spell, a curse, I've been working on for a very long time. Now I foresaw that that curse can only be cast by Cora's daughter," Rumplestiltskin told her.

"That's why you've been training Regina. You thought she was going to cast the curse," Zelena said.

"Until today. Shall we see what you can do? Magic isn't about what you see, dearie, it's about what you feel inside," using a black cloth, Rumplestiltskin blindfolded Zelena, "You'll have to dig deep if you wanna pass tonight's test," He said.

"What am I meant to do?" Zelena asked.

"Simple, find me," Rumplestiltskin said and using magic to teleport himself behind her, "Over here, dearie," surprised, Zelena turned around, but Rumplestiltskin disappeared and reappeared a few yards away from her. Again, she's unable to catch him, "Close, but not close enough. Magic comes from emotion. Simply think of a moment that makes you sieve with anger."

"And use it to feel the magic. Yes, I've learned that a long time ago. It's hard to pick one. Finding out that my mother abandoned me, that my father never wanted me," Zelena said as she moved around.

"Getting warmer," Rumplestiltskin said.

"That my sister got everything I've ever desired. That she didn't even have to present something. It all just happened, and she doesn't even know that," Zelena said.

Successfully, Zelena eventually grabbed hold of Rumplestiltskin's arm, "Ding Dong, there it is. I can feel it in your nails," He said.

"Sorry," Zelena let go as she removed her blindfold, "I lost control," She said.

"And now, you need to think of a moment of happiness rein in some of that anger," Rumplestiltskin told her.

"What do you think about?" Zelena asked.

"I'm the teacher, I ask the questions," Rumplestiltskin said.

"But, if you don't tell me that, how will I learn?" Zelena asked.

"Well, like you, I was abandoned as a child. Some spinsters took me in. We didn't have much, but we got by. Whenever we finished a job they used to bake meat pie. The entire hovel would fill with the most wonderful smell, and after they were cold, they always let me take the first bite. As the food warmed my body that was the only time I forgot who I really was, a boy who wasn't wanted by his Papa," Rumplestiltskin said, reminiscing on the memory.

Zelena smiled, "Then, I know my moment," She said.

"What's that, Dearie?" Rumplestiltskin asked.

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