Chapter 45: The Heist

Start from the beginning

Ominis's words were helping. With every word he uttered, I felt a very slight touch of hope forming in my brain.

"I want to believe that," I admitted.

Ominis placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Sebastian, you will. But for now we can't focus on your existential crisis. We need to find her. Alright? Then we will work out the rest."

"Alright," I said, my voice steadier now. "But I don't even know where to begin."

"Have you forgotten I'm his brother? I know he has a home somewhere. He goes there when father becomes too much for him. I just don't know where it is. But I have no doubt he's taken her there. I'm certain he takes everyone he kidnaps there." Ominis said with not as much concern as I'd have liked.

"He kidnaps people frequently enough he has an entire house for them? What the fuck, Ominis!"

"Well, no, it's mostly muggles who piss him off. They don't last there very long. I hear my parents talk about it." Ominis explained.

"He's going to kill her?!" I yelled.

"No! I don't think so. I think he sees her as more of a way to appease my father. Marry a pretty girl from a pureblood family."

"But she's not a pureblood?" I said, incredibly confused.

"Well, he doesn't know that. He thinks she's a Rosier."

Marvolo's twisted motivations became slightly clearer, but the urgency of the situation was as dire as ever. He wasn't going to kill her, he was going to force her into marriage. And if he did happen to find out she wasn't a pureblood... well I didn't even want to think about it. "We have to find her, Ominis. We can't waste any more time."

Ominis looked to be deep in thought for a moment as he tried to come up with a plan. I was itching to leave, to do something. But I knew we needed a plan of attack first. I couldn't really run around to every home in the remote areas of the UK and door knock asking if I could please have my girlfriend back.

You probably could...

No, I needed Ominis. I couldn't do this without him.

"Ominis, does your father know where it would be?" I asked, potentially thinking of a plan.

Ominis furrowed his brows in thought, "My father might have an idea of where Marvolo's hideout is, but getting that information from him won't be easy. He's deeply enmeshed in Marvolo's schemes, and he's not someone who readily gives up information."

"So, what do we do?" I asked.

"We could go there, tell them it's for a regular visit. But I don't know how I'll get him to talk. That man is like stone." Ominis said, his hands clasping and unclasping. He was clearly nervous.

"I have some leftover Veritaserum." I said casually.

"Why do you have that? And why is it leftover?" Ominis asked with a raised eyebrow.

Ah. Fuck.

" reason. I tried it on Weasley once. For a laugh." I said, trying to sound earnest.

Ominis raised an eyebrow at my response, clearly skeptical but not pursuing the matter further. "Alright, if you think that could work. But even with Veritaserum, we need to be careful. My father is cunning, and he's well-versed in dealing with these things."

I hurried back to my dormitory, grabbing the extra bottle of Veritaserum I'd had from when I brewed it to find out about the ring. I tucked it deep into my pocket and led Ominis out of the castle.

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